Dear Editor, I am writing in response to Jonathan Brusco’s
letter in which he expressed his concern that the teen street art
workshops to be held at the library might encourage kids to become
taggers. I am not going to focus on his logic but simply want to
correct the facts that he has misrepresented.
Art workshops will engage teens, provide input for design of mural
Dear Editor,
I am writing in response to Jonathan Brusco’s letter in which he expressed his concern that the teen street art workshops to be held at the library might encourage kids to become taggers. I am not going to focus on his logic but simply want to correct the facts that he has misrepresented.
– The artwork by Scape Martinez has been commissioned by the Friends of the Morgan Hill Library. There will be no cost to the county library system or any other governmental agency. The funds come from monies raised in 2006-2007 for art and furnishings for the new library. This is the last of several artworks that the Friends envisioned for the building.
– The work will be located in the Teen Group Study Room of the library. It will not be painted on the wall, but will be created on canvas and then mounted on the wall like a traditional piece of art.
– This is not an art class, The purpose of the workshops is to engage teens and get their input for the design of the mural. Since this painting will be located in their area, we wanted to make sure that the painting would be one that would appeal to them. This is why we chose a street artist to create the work.
– Teens will be using a variety of media (colored pens, as well as spray paint) on paper as they express their ideas for the mural.
This project has the support of Mayor Steve Tate, the Santa Clara County Libraries administration and the Morgan Hill Library staff. Other members of the Library, Culture and Arts Commission have expressed their approval, plan to attend the workshops and will participate in the selection of the final design.
I am pleased that Mr. Brusco approves of the artist’s work. Anyone who wants to learn more about Scape Martinez can go to his web site,
Carol O’Hare, Friends of the Morgan Hill Library
Local architects honored as Green Business of the Year
Dear Editor,
What do the Centennial Recreation Center, the Friendly Inn, Specialized, and the Granary all have in common? They are all certified sustainable projects of Morgan Hill-based Weston Miles Architects.
The Santa Clara County League of Conservation Voters is proud to announce the selection of Weston Miles Architect as our Green Business of the Year.
The WMA husband and wife team of Charles Weston and Lesley Miles will receive the honor at the SCCLCV’s 18th Annual Environmental Awards and Fundraiser Event Wednesday, Oct. 5 at 5:30 p.m. in Monte Sereno.
The environmental stewardship of WMA’s work is most visible in The Granary on Depot Street. Their transformation of the historic feed granary from an abandoned industrial site to a thriving commercial complex including a small orchard earned WMA the coveted LEED Gold building certification for this building. The SCCLCV recognizes the value of their certified sustainable work not only in Morgan Hill but in other cities in the county as well.
In addition to the WMA as our Green Business of the Year recipient, an award for Lifetime Achievement will be presented to former County Supervisor Dianne McKenna and the Environmentalist of the Year award will be conferred on former County Parks and Recreation Commissioner Larry Ames.
Recognizing Environmental Heroes in our county at our Annual Awards event comes as a result of the SCCLCV’s primary function which is to endorse election candidates for local public office that demonstrate environmental leadership. This year the SCCLCV has also chosen two candidates running for local office that merit our endorsement – one each in Sunnyvale and Cupertino where City Council elections will be held this November.
The SCCLCV Board is comprised of Santa Clara County residents with a wide variety of public and private sector backgrounds and former public officials with a strong interest in environmental issues.
More information about the Oct. 5 event is available at the SCCLCV’s web site, The community is welcome to attend. For reservations call (408) 535-8656.
Beth Wyman and Julie Hutcheson, board members, SCCLCV
It’s Republicans who are really supporting class warfare
Dear Editor,
The GOP Tea Party leadership claim President Obama and the Democrats have begun class warfare on the super rich and corporations in proposing to equalize the tax rates. Interesting argument from the same GOP Tea Party that wants to:
– eliminate Affordable Health Care Act
– eliminate the American Jobs Act
– eliminate Social Security
– eliminate the Dept of Education
– eliminate the EPA
– eliminate Unions
– eliminate fair wages and benefits
– eliminate Headstart
– eliminate the International Peace Institute
– eliminate PBS, and national arts spending
– eliminate affordable education
– eliminate government and good paying jobs
– eliminate a woman’s right to choose
– eliminate gay marriage
– eliminate the poor
– eliminate the middle class
– eliminate “one nation, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice FOR ALL”!
Who really is supporting class warfare now?
Daniel J. Kenney, Morgan Hill
Letter writer’s statement about GOP is not accurate
Dear Editor,
Marc Perkel stated that “It’s not Social Security that’s a fraud and a Ponzi scheme. It’s the Republican party.”
The Democratic party under the leadership of Lyndon B. Johnson took the money out of the social security fund and put it into the general fund. His statement about the GOP stealing our social security trust fund is not accurate.
Judi Chain, San Martin
Save money by reducing streetscape renovations
Dear Editor,
I propose the city shave some costs and only widen sidewalks from Fifth Street to Main Avenue. Citibank, the gas station, South County Realty, and especially the Morgan Hill Community Center have little to no value in increased sidewalk space.
I foresee at least a 10 to 15 percent savings based on square footage. Potential for $750 $800K in savings.
Also, shouldn’t the potential developers be footing some of these costs as they and other downtown landowners will be reaping the benefits of this sidewalk expansion?
Chris Fenton, Morgan Hill
There is no class war, the wealthy have already won
Dear Editor,
Class War, surely you jest. One percent of Americans control more wealth than the other 90 percent. Corporate profits are at a record high. Fifteen percent of Americans live in poverty. That war has ended and the wealthy have won. Time to go on to fresh news, the world series and the football season.
Frank Crosby, Morgan Hill