Letters to the editor
music in the park, psychedelic furs

Continue reporting on mosque concerns

Judging from the “editor’s picks,” you are in support of the Cordoba Center project.

There has been a mosque in San Martin for many years. I live across the street from it. I’ve never seen 400 families there simultaneously. If there were, it would likely be in violation since this area is zoned rural residential.

It is interesting that people who do not live in San Martin have free rein in your paper to tell us how we should live. Please stop making this about religion and provide equal comment on what a lot of San Martin residents care about: water, land use, encroachment and the paving over of this rural community.

San Martin residents have genuine concerns, having been through water contamination at least twice in recent history. Zoning violations are rampant in this unincorporated town, and the county doesn’t have the manpower to deal with the problem.

I suggest you read the San Martin Neighborhood Alliance’s document addressing the Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Cordoba Center. It came out yesterday, and I’d be happy to forward it to you.

Thank you,

Dawn Peru

San Martin

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