Hundreds of costumed kids, parents and grownups trick-or-treated and enjoyed a variety of activities and vendors in downtown Morgan Hill on Oct. 28 for the city’s Kidz Fest & Safe Trick-or-Treat event.
It was not just a celebration of Halloween; it was the last of three 4th Saturday Downtown Street Series events hosted by the City of Morgan Hill. From August-October, on the fourth Saturday the city closed down Monterey Road to vehicle traffic throughout the morning and afternoon, allowing kids, families, cyclists and any visitors to safely partake in games, activities and outdoor shopping.
Each 4th Saturday event revolved around a specific theme, with previous festivities focused on dogs and cars. For the kid-centered Oct. 28 event, organizers think attendance was on par with previous Safe Trick-or-Treating events in downtown Morgan Hill.
“The series achieved its intended goals: making downtown more accessible and inclusive by offering free, family-friendly events without impact to commuters, reinforcing city branding, and supporting existing downtown businesses,” said Morgan Hill Economic Development Coordinator Brittney Sherman. “City staff is still gathering feedback, but the hope is that these events will help inform recommendations for future event activations.”