Jewell was born in Duncan, OK, on July 2, 1921, and departed January 21, 2007. She spent most of her life in Santa Clara County in California..

Jewell married Thomas Joseph Tracey Sr., in 1944, and together they opened “Tracey’s Morgan Hill Bakery” in 1953. The bakery was under their ownership for nearly 20 years.

They had 4 children; Thomas J. Tracey of Bigfork, MT, Daniel P. Tracey of Reno, NV, Sharlene A. Davis of Hollister, CA, and Karen E. Howard of Atascadero, CA.

She has 5 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren. She displayed great pride as a mother and grandmother.

When she and her husband retired in 1981, they moved to Bigfork, MT. Jewell was preceded in death by her husband, Tom, in 1989.

Jewell had a fun loving, independent spirit. She enjoyed dancing, Big Band music and Country Two Step, when getting together with friends.

Jewell enjoyed the company of her friends in Red Hat Society, aka Red Hot Mamas of Bigfork, as well as the VFW Ladie’s Auxilary #4042 Bigfork and Moose Lodge Kallspell.

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