music in the park, psychedelic furs

The Morgan Hill City Council voted to ignore a lawful petition signed by more than 10 percent of the registered voters in this city demanding that the city council either reverse its proposed zoning amendment (proposed Ordinance No. 2131-NS) that would unnecessarily further deplete our already disappearing industrial land, or else put that question on the ballot for the voters to decide in a referendum election.  

The right to decide questions of public interest in a democratic vote is guaranteed under the California State Constitution and built into the very fabric of our elections laws. It is the reason that most ordinances do not go into effect for at least 30 days after they are approved by the city council. This is the time period during which concerned voters can file their objections to a proposed ordinance, but this city council is trying to deny our citizens their constitutional right to vote on this issue.

The Morgan Hill Hotel Coalition works hard to make the hospitality industry better for all. The hotels and motels in Morgan Hill, many of which are family owned businesses that span generations, have generated approximately $10 million in transit occupancy tax over the past five years. The Coalition welcomes all who care to join the hospitality industry on a level playing field.

The Coalition publicly supported both the Stone Park Capital hotel project (La Quinta Inn) and development of a new downtown boutique hotel. Each of those projects are situated on lands that were zoned for commercial use (which allows hotels) when the projects were proposed. These two projects alone will increase our city’s available higher end hotel room inventory by nearly 40 percent.

We advocate for sustainable growth so our local economy is less susceptible to boom/bust cycles that have crippled us in the past.

Industry means jobs—good paying, manufacturing jobs that will benefit the citizens of our community as a whole, now and in the future. So we need to carefully protect our industrial land to make sure that there will be a place for people to create jobs when our children become working age.  

According to the City of Morgan Hill’s own statistics, there is only about a 19-year supply of industrial land remaining within the city and there is currently a miniscule 3 percent industrial property vacancy rate in Morgan Hill.

The Morgan Hill Hotel Coalition objected to the proposal to take industrial land and convert it to commercial use just so an out of town developer can build another hotel. More than 2,000 voters in Morgan Hill agreed and showed their support by signing the petition demanding that the city council repeal the proposed zoning change or put it on the ballot for the voters to decide. The city council should have allowed the voters to decide.

Asit Panwala is a spokesperson for the Morgan Hill Hotel Coalition. His father owns Comfort Inn on Condit Road in Morgan Hill. The MHHC has started a group on Facebook titled “Morgan Hill Speaks,” which encourages residents to become more involved in important land use issues and other local government business. 

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