Common sense has prevailed. The recall election is on. South
Valley voters can once again tune in to the campaigns and believe
that they can make an important contribution with their vote on
Oct. 7. The immediate future of California leadership is in our
collective hands.
Common sense has prevailed. The recall election is on. South Valley voters can once again tune in to the campaigns and believe that they can make an important contribution with their vote on Oct. 7. The immediate future of California leadership is in our collective hands.
Clearly, the three judges who ruled to postpone the recall election should not have taken such a narrow view of a Supreme Court ruling.
They have rightfully been overruled. Unanimously, 11 members of the Ninth Circuit Court – none of whom was on the original three-judge panel – recognized that if the election was postponed, it is certain that the state of California and its citizens will suffer material hardship by virtue of the enormous resources already invested in reliance on the elections proceeding on the announced date.
Punch card ballots aren’t perfect and in fact the ‘hanging chads’ led to a different decision on a different set of facts in Florida that led to the election of George W. Bush. Touch screen ballots, which we will have next year, could prove to be worse. We’ll see.
But now, it’s full steam ahead before the vote next Tuesday.
We reiterate our choice: Republican State Sen. Tom McClintock. Like punch card ballots, he’s not perfect. But he’s the best of an unimpressive lot if you’re able to cast aside his conservative social views. What we need now is a fix for the major hemorrhage going on in California. It’s about the money – the jobs that are fleeing the state, the long-term energy contracts that Davis signed that are pickpocketing every Californian, the skyrocketing costs of workman’s compensation and the shrinking tax revenues causing cutback after cutback throughout the public sector.
We recommend voters choose McClintock to replace Gov. Gray Davis.