The evidence is overwhelming. The statistic are in. Last year
was the second-hottest year since 1880, since such records were
kept. An exception? That
’s doubtful. Nine out of 10 of the hottest years have occurred
since 1990. Also an exception? Also doubtful. The last six years
rank among the eight hottest on record.
The evidence is overwhelming. The statistic are in. Last year was the second-hottest year since 1880, since such records were kept.

An exception? That’s doubtful. Nine out of 10 of the hottest years have occurred since 1990. Also an exception? Also doubtful. The last six years rank among the eight hottest on record.

This data were reported by the National Climatic Data Center in Ashville, N.C.. Unfortunately, our government stands either idly or uncomprehendingly by, encouraging continued environmental degradation, and failing not only to take the lead among countries to combat this emerged crisis, but not even following. Apparently, this is not the type of combat the Bush people relish.

Kevin Trenbirth, head of climate analysis for the National Center for Atmospheric Research, concludes, “This is more evidence to suggest that the human influence is real; global warming is happening.”

Yet President Bush, while admitting global warming is real, has taken every action possible not to reverse the potentially deadly phenomenon, but to exacerbate it. He began his administration by withdrawing from the International Treaty on Global Warming, the Kyoto Protocol.

Now he is calling for a “voluntary program” to reduce greenhouse gases, those gases produced by the burning of fossil fuels. Voluntary measures have rarely worked. And why should they when voluntary actions fly in the face of every anti-environmental measure the Bush people cherish?

This administration’s environmental policies are a tragic joke. Oil, gas, mining, and lumber executives have incredible influence. And why not? They bought that influence. The oil and gas industry contributed $17 million to Republicans in 2002; this figure comes from the non-partisan Center for Responsive Politics. This organization claims the forestry industry gave $3.2 million to Republicans in 2002.

More than 30 Bush political appointees have backgrounds in the energy, chemical, timber, mining and agri-business industries. Are we to believe that environmental measures that negatively impact on profits will be voluntarily developed and adopted? This is perverse logic.

What have these industries bought from this administration? In addition to American withdrawal from the Kyoto Protocol, regulations have been eased and now utility companies and refineries can expend without initiating new anti-pollution controls. Other rules have been eased or abandoned: those that require environmental-impact studies before thinning natural forests have no teeth any longer. Rules that weaken air and water pollution laws enacted over 40 years ago have come into force, and rules that require power plants to reduce emissions are routinely ignored.

This administration is so bought, packaged and sold that it is not even embarrassed by such actions. It has proposed an energy plan based heavily on fossil fuels. It has proposed and begun drilling on public lands. It has proposed drilling in Alaska’s National Wildlife Refuge.

It has allowed 17,000 oil refineries and coal-fired utilities to expand and renovate without putting in pollution-control equipment. The Environmental Protection Agency has practically abandoned anti-pollution enforcement pursuits, and the National Environmental Policy Act has practically reversed its mission from environmental protection to economic protection for those who would harm the environment.

When courts decree that Vice President Cheney can, in fact, keep secret his information about his meetings on energy with energy executives, we then have a government conducting the public’s business in secret – hardly the hallmark of a democracy and hardly consistent with the public’s right to know.

Tinkering with numbers and standards has taken the teeth out of any environmental laws. Rules that regulate air conditioning efficiency, fuel-economy standards, and snowmobile pollution in national parks have been gutted. The government even attempted to allow more arsenic in drinking water, but the public managed to hear about it and shouted it down. If you don’t like the facts, alter them. This administration even alters science, scientific data and data quality standards.

Fewer truisms have ever been spoken: you get what you pay for. Industry has bought free rein from the administration. We will encounter more hot years, more polluted water, less breathable air and more oil rigs in national parks and seashores; and the Earth will get warmer and warmer.

The oil, gas, chemical, mining, and timber industries have paid for their freedom to profit and pollute. The people will, tragically, pay a higher price. These Republicans know the price of everything, but they know the value of nothing.

Ted Brett teaches English at Gavilan and Evergreen colleges. His e-mail address is Tedbrett\

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