Cajun food coming soon to Morgan Hill
music in the park, psychedelic furs

Red Phone, what ever happened to El Capri Restaurant on Monterey
Road right across the street from AM/PM? It got closed down about a
year ago I think, and after that a taco stand with the same name
started to sell food out by the empty building and now I’ve noticed
that the taco stand is gone too.

“Red Phone, what ever happened to El Capri Restaurant on Monterey Road right across the street from AM/PM? It got closed down about a year ago I think, and after that a taco stand with the same name started to sell food out by the empty building and now I’ve noticed that the taco stand is gone too. Did they have problems with the sanitation department or something? Were they selling without a permit? Thanks Red Phone.”

Red Phone: Dear Miss the Tacos, Red Phone contacted John Amos, code enforcement officer for the city, who said the city condemned the structure as unsafe.

“We have been in contact with the property owners who are working with a civil engineer to determine what needs to be done to make the building safe,” Amos said. “The taco cart owners were advised to move because they were using a portion of the building and they also did not have a city business license.”

There you have it, good caller. Let’s hope the owners can upgrade the building and reopen, because in its heyday, they sold some of the best Mexican food around.

$5K needed to get fountain running

“Red Phone, another summer came and went without the water feature working at the Morgan Hill Community and Cultural Center. Is it a budget thing? Health and safety thing? How much does it actually cost to operate the feature? Thanks in advance, Red Phone.”

Red Phone: Dear Stay Cool, Red Phone answered a similar question in June, and contacted Maureen Drewniany, recreation supervisor, who said a decision was made last year to turn off the interactive fountain in order to save the operational expense of $5,000 per season (April to September).

“The budget for fiscal year 2010/11, which was just adopted by our city council, does not include funding to operate the interactive fountain for this season either,” she said. It would be wonderful if the community could rally together to fund the $5,000 operational expense to turn the interactive fountain back on. It has been very much missed by many in the community on warm summer days.”

So there you have it, good caller, and others who enjoy the fountain. Anyone want to take on the challenge of raising $5,000 for next year?

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