The developer of a proposed industrial project in the northern end of the city has submitted plans that show three separate buildings totaling more than 1 million square feet of industrial and commercial space.
The Planning Commission will review, but make no decision, on the proposed Morgan Hill Technology Park Oct. 15. The project is located adjacent to De Paul Health Center, just off the intersection of Cochrane Road and De Paul Drive.
Plans submitted to the city show three buildings, at 191,160 square feet, 320,340 square feet and 533,220 square feet. A total of 734 parking stalls are proposed, as well as 192 loading bays.
Building heights range from 36 feet to 41 feet. Buildings 2 and 3, meanwhile, show a proposed cell structure on the roof that could add an additional 50 feet.
According to a notice from the city, the Oct. 15 meeting is meant to gather preliminary input on the project from both the commission and the public.
“Input is not a recommendation for approval or denial of the project,” the notice reads. “At this point in project review, any recommendation to the applicant is advisory only and shall not be binding on either the applicant or the city.”
City of Morgan Hill spokesperson Maureen Tobin said the meeting is a preliminary review of the actual project, with new designs expected to be presented. The previous meeting held in May served as a scoping meeting for the environmental impact report.
The draft environmental impact report is expected to be released for public review in December. The report will also look at alternatives to the proposal, such as a “reduced development scenario and a no development scenario,” according to city planning officials.
Earlier this year, Dallas-based developer Trammell Crow purchased the 61-acre property adjacent to Highway 101 at Cochrane Road and submitted an application to the city to rezone a majority of the land for industrial use.
The project has spurred the formation of a group of citizens who call themselves Morgan Hill Responsible Growth Coalition, urging residents to speak out against the development.
For information on the project, visit the city’s website at morgan-hill.ca.gov/1765/Morgan-Hill-Technology-Park-EIR. The Oct. 15 Planning Commission meeting will start at 7pm at council meeting chambers, 17555 Peak Ave.