Local Jane Martin uses a Blue Dog portable electronic Bingo unit
music in the park, psychedelic furs

Oh, those five letters: B-I-N-G-O!

One player gets to shout out that winning combination, while the other players hunker down with steely determination to be next on Lady Luck’s list.

Tuesday Night Bingo always offers competitive fun and the thrill of taking the prized jackpot, but on Feb. 19, players will also enjoy a complimentary spaghetti dinner with their regular minimum buy-in ticket.

The Friends of the Morgan Hill Senior Center (FMHSC), which hosts the weekly bingo night, is hosting the dinner to show its appreciation of its loyal supporters and also help the Community and Cultural Center (CCC) at 17000 Monterey St. commemorate 10 years serving Morgan Hill as the premier location for private events, meetings and public celebrations.

“The CCC is the perfect venue: large rooms, small rooms, a full kitchen, a great staff and flexible scheduling. There is no other venue in the South Valley that can offer the same comfort, safety and space that the CCC does,” says Cricket Rubino, fund advisor for the Friends of the Morgan Hill Senior Center.

Tuesday Night Bingo is open to the public ages 18 years and older and requires a $20 minimum buy-in, with a $50 maximum buy-in. The doors will open early at 4:30 p.m. on Feb. 19 to offer players relaxed dining that begins at 5 p.m. before early bird games, which begin at 5:45 p.m., followed by regular games at 6:30 p.m. Games usually conclude at approximately 9:30 p.m. Tickets can be purchased at the door on the night of the event and ahead of time at the Senior Center front desk in the Centennial Recreation Center. Seating is limited to the first 160 players.

The FMHSC is part of the Morgan Hill Community Foundation, a local public charity that acts as an umbrella nonprofit for a range of programs to benefit Morgan Hill. The FMHSC is made up of volunteers who are committed to raising money to sustain, grow and develop Morgan Hill’s Centennial Recreation Senior Center, including sustaining hours of operation, funding programs and services. FMHSC’s most significant donation to date was an $8,800 grant awarded in October 2012. The Centennial Recreation Senior Center is operated by the Mt. Madonna YMCA.

“It is rewarding for us, here at the CCC, to see community groups like the Morgan Hill Community Foundation and the Friends of the Morgan Hill Senior Center use the CCC facility exactly as it was intended – as a premier location for both residents and the wider south county area to come together,” said Maureen Tobin, community services manager. “The Tuesday Night Bingo games are a perfect example of what we can offer and how we can partner with local groups to make Morgan Hill a great town with great services for everyone involved.”

About the Morgan Hill Community and Cultural Center

The Morgan Hill Community and Cultural Center first opened its doors on December 7, 2002, in a joint celebration with the Morgan Hill Community Foundation. Ten years later the Community and Cultural Center continues to be a vibrant and thriving campus. It is a venue of choice for both large and small events, community festivals, concerts, public art, theater and business meetings. The campus is the home of the Morgan Hill Recreation Preschool, Gavilan College Morgan Hill Satellite Campus, South Valley Civic Theater, Chamber of Commerce’s Friday Night Music Series, Mushroom Mardi Gras, Morgan Hill Rotary Club, many Morgan Hill Community Foundation events, and dance studios.

To celebrate the success of the past 10 years, several community events held at the Community and Cultural Center campus are being highlighted over the course of the next few months. The events represent a wonderful sampling of the people and community organizations that have made the Community and Cultural Center the vibrant campus it is today.

March 15 – 10th Annual Helping Hands Healing Hearts Awards Luncheon, Community Solutions, www.communitysolutions.org

March 23 – Spring Fest/Easter Egg Hunt, Las Madres of Morgan Hill, www.lasmadresmorganhill.org

April 12 – South Valley Wine Auction, Alliance member of Morgan Hill Community Foundation, www.southvalleywineauction.org

April 19 – 8th Annual Youth Action Council (YAC) Senior Citizens Ball, www.mhrecreation.com

April 27 – Art a la Carte, El Toro Culture & Arts Committee, www.morganhillcf.org

About Morgan Hill Community Foundation

The Morgan Hill Community Foundation (MHCF) is a tax-exempt public charity focused on improving the quality of life in the greater Morgan Hill region. MHCF accomplishes this by furthering a culture of giving to address community needs and identifying and acquiring resources that provide support to nonprofit groups and programs. The group meets the breadth of community needs through six funding areas: Arts & Culture, Recreation, Education & Livelong Learning, Health & Human Services, Science & Technology, and Environment & Agriculture. It has an annual discretionary grants process that awards grants to local non-profit organizations and programs, as well as works with donors on an individual basis to assist in philanthropic choices and community investment strategies. It is an affiliate member of the Silicon Valley Community Foundation, a tax-exempt public charity with assets of approximately $2 billion. For more information, see http://www.morganhillcf.org/.

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