music in the park, psychedelic furs

California voters will be deciding the fate of the 2017 Road Repair and Accountability Act, or Senate Bill 1, this November. SB 1, which increased fuel taxes and vehicle fees, gave funding toward California road repair.

If Proposition 6 passes, the taxes and fees will be appealed and the money for California cities had anticipated for infrastructure projects will not be available.

At an Oct. 3 City Council meeting, the Morgan Hill Council adopted a resolution to formally oppose Proposition 6. Morgan Hill Communications and Engagement Manager, Maureen Tobin, sent a release about the city’s resolution.

The release said Proposition 6 would have a “severe impact” on the city’s ability to maintain infrastructure obligations.

The fuel tax went into effect Nov. 1, 2017. Once in full effect, SB 1 was expected to generate $1.5 billion a year in revenue for local street work.  

“The City is responsible for the operation, repair, and maintenance of approximately 128 centerline miles of streets with a pavement replacement value of over $168 million,” the city’s release said. “The Morgan Hill City Council has allocated $1.1 million per year toward street pavement in Fiscal Years 2018-2022. The City of Morgan Hill anticipates receiving $800,000 in FY 2018-19, and approximately $1 million per year from SB 1 in future years.”

Tobin had previously said at a September candidate forum that the council hoped to educate voters on all measures and would work to make sure residents knew what a vote on Proposition 6 would mean.

Mayor Steve Tate commented in the press release, “SB1 funding will enable Morgan Hill to continue badly needed roadway improvement projects that otherwise would not be possible. The loss of this funding, if Prop 6 passes, will have significant negative impacts on Morgan Hill residents.”

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  1. Not necessarily pointing this at the MH city council, but CA has clearly shown they cannot manage, nor be trusted with the already nation high taxes they already collect and we should give more?

  2. Years ago our gas taxes went to repair the roads and infrastructure. Since then, those funds were transferred to the GENERAL FUND. last year a new gas tax came into play. 12 cents a gallon for gas and 20 cents a gallon for diesel. Our politicans, as usual, do not tell you the whole story. Most of that money is ear Marked to other areas like the bull shit train from LA TO SF, Public transportation for Bart which we are already paying another tax for BART. I wonder what happened to that money because rhe terminals, the coaches, and the general area is disgusting, un safe because of pimps and hookers, not to mention the break downs and delays. Then you have the light rail system in Santa Clara county that “goes no where” and Is the most expensive to run and operate”. I think the latest gas tax is absurd, we don’t hold Sacramental accountable, our politicans are afraid to speak up because Moon beam Brown threatens them with programs and their careers. It is time we make California Great Again. I bet you didn’t like that comment…back to being serious again, we need to insist that money that is ear marked for a program be used for that purpose. Transferring gas tax to the general fund is Not accomplishing the goal to fix our roads. California pays the highest gas tax in the nation before the November 2017 tax was added. C’mon let’s use the money where it is earmarked for. Take our gas tax money out of the general fund, put it back to fix our toads and infrastructure. Repeal the November 2017 gas tax and move on. We are pawns in the chess game and it is time to stop. Make those who you voted for listen to you and their constituents. Or get rid of them


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