40.2 F
Morgan Hill
January 27, 2025

MH winery to celebrate 90th anniversary

Guglielmo Winery in east Morgan Hill will celebrate its milestone 90th anniversary Sept. 12.

Christopher Ranch endorses tariffs on Chinese garlic

Breaking away from the position of many U.S. farmers, Christopher Ranch, the nation’s premier garlic company, announced on Tuesday, Sept. 18, that it fully supports the imposition of a 10 percent tariff on imported Chinese garlic (under the United States Trade Representative Section 301 Investigation).“Christopher Ranch applauds the decision of the U.S. trade representative to raise the tariff to 25 percent on Jan. 1, 2019,” said Ken Christopher, executive vice president of Christopher Ranch, based in Gilroy.“For decades, Chinese exporters have flooded the US market with cheap and often illegally dumped garlic, and this tariff will help to level the playing field for American garlic farmers,” said Christopher.Recently, third-generation farmer Christopher flew to Washington DC to build bipartisan congressional support for the US garlic industry and to offer testimony to the US International Trade Commission in support of the enacted tariff. Officials from the Departments of State, Commerce, Homeland Security, Labor, Small Business Administration, and the office of the US Trade Representative were present to receive the testimony.According to the US Department of Commerce, Chinese garlic exporters have defrauded the US government out of more than $600 million of billed but uncollected duties. This represents the largest single industry of the total $2.6 billion of total uncollected duties since 2001. https://www.gao.gov/assets/680/678419.pdf Unlike past duties, the proposed new tariff would require that fees be paid in advance, preventing exporters from engaging in illegal duty evasion schemes.“In broad macroeconomic terms, we recognize that an escalating trade war may not be in the nation’s larger economic interest, but immediate relief for the US garlic industry is needed,” said Christopher in the company statement. “Illegally dumped Chinese garlic continues to flood the US market, making its way to unassuming American consumers, and US farmers need our government’s support.“The anticipated tariffs of Chinese garlic will go a long way to restoring a longstanding injustice on American garlic farmers.”

Trader Joe’s Mania Hits South Valley

Big crowds show support for Morgan Hill's specialty grocer

Beloved MH volunteer, husband will be missed

One of Morgan Hill’s most ubiquitous volunteers, who died recently just months after her husband passed away, was always steadfastly devoted to the many organizations she was involved in while maintaining a sharp sense of humor, according to those who knew her.

Land trusts join forces to protect Nyland property

A collaboration of area land trusts recently secured permanent conservation rights for the historic 540-acre Nyland property in San Benito County.  The Trust for Public Land, the San Benito Agricultural Land Trust, the Land Trust of Santa Cruz County and the Amah Mutsun Land Trust...


Due to a reporter's error, a front-page story Nov. 17 on the dismissal of attorney Bruce Tichinin's First Amendment lawsuit against the city of Morgan Hill contained incorrect information about the case. Tichinin's client, Howard Vierra, authorized surveillance of City Manager Ed Tewes by way of a private investigator.

Paying for downtown improvement plan

Sandwiched between the Gilroy chain store maze and proposed

Exit Exam Stymies Student

Despite a 3.0 GPA, a $1,000 scholarship to Gavilan College and

Easter Treasures Found

Realtor Tim McDaniel from Century 21 Alpha gave back to the

