EDITOR: After reading
“Behind-the-scenes Lobbying” (Dec. 26), I was relieved to read
Robert Collins’ bio and see that he’s not trying to pass himself
off as a journalist. There are ethical standards for journalists,
starting with telling the truth and getting facts correct, and it’s
obvious Mr. Collins isn’t
even pretending at that.
After reading “Behind-the-scenes Lobbying” (Dec. 26), I was relieved to read Robert Collins’ bio and see that he’s not trying to pass himself off as a journalist. There are ethical standards for journalists, starting with telling the truth and getting facts correct, and it’s obvious Mr. Collins isn’t even pretending at that.
However, I have to wonder whether the Morgan Hill Times has any editorial standards of its own. If so, you owe your readers an apology and a column of corrections, and you owe Mr. Collins a dismissal from your pages.
For example:
“(Clark) tried running as a Republican only a few months before entering the race as a Democrat” – completely false. General Clark was never even a registered Republican.
“… giving speeches endorsing Bush and the war.” False. Clark never endorsed the war in Iraq.
“Now he claims to despise Bush” – false. Clark has never said he “despises Bush.” In fact, he’s said, “I’m not running to bash Bush, I’m running to replace him.”
“disavows his prior views and stands against the war.” Clark has not “disavowed prior views,” and has been consistent on his position against the war in Iraq. He spoke about it in great detail for many months as a commentator for news networks including CNN. The transcripts are available, so if Mr. Collins has something to back up this assertion, he should at least be able to provide some quotes.
“He previously served as NATO Commander under Clinton before being fired for ethics violations.”Absolutely false. If Mr. Collins knows that it’s false, he’s committing libel. If he doesn’t know, he’s got no business writing about things on which he’s ignorant.
“His former colleagues and commanding officers have said they don’t trust him and would never vote for him.” Here it seems Mr. Collins has taken one statement from one man – a man who has since backed off the statement – and multiplied that man into hundreds of people: “His former colleagues and commanding officers.” That is completely irresponsible. Clark’s military records are replete with glowing reviews and reports from colleagues and other officers, including the one Collins apparently refers to. In addition, there are mountains of other public statements in support of General Clark and his performance from those who worked with him directly.
This is a man who was wounded four times in service to our country, a four-star general with a Silver Star, Bronze Star, four Purple Hearts, and the Medal of Freedom, a man who served our nation well for 34 years.
Perhaps Mr. Collins’ palpable hatred of President and Senator Clinton has rendered him incapable of clear thought in regard to the Democratic candidates, but I strongly suggest you summon the integrity to refrain from printing lies about a patriot of General Wesley Clark’s courage, character and commitment to our country.
M. Dale Pantano, Ellicott City, MD