City of Morgan Hill

The City of Morgan Hill later this month will launch a new on-demand transit service known as MoGo Morgan Hill Quick Ride will host an event to celebrate the launch of a new, innovative transit service named MoGo Morgan Hill Quick Ride (MoGo). 

The pilot rideshare service will provide point-to-point rides throughout Morgan Hill, according to a press release from the city. The MoGo launch event will take place at 10am Sept. 23 outside the Centennial Recreation Center, 171 West Edmundson Ave. 

The technology behind the MoGo ā€œmicrotransitā€ service allows riders to request trips using real-time booking through the MoGo mobile app (available in Apple App Store and Google Play Store), online at or the call center at 408.330.3302. Riders can pay for the service with a debit card, credit card or cash. 

MoGo Morgan Hill Quick Ride will cost $2.50 per person per ride. Service will begin Sept. 19, says the press release. 

ā€œWith MoGo, the city is leveraging an innovative transit model that will give residents an affordable and accessible way to move around our city,ā€ said Morgan Hill Mayor and VTA Board Vice Chair, Rich Constantine. ā€œMoGo will bring the convenience of ride-share technology at a fraction of the cost, which will enhance our existing transit service and improve accessibility for our residents.ā€ 

MoGo is a ā€œvirtual stop to virtual stopā€ transit model, says the press release. Riders will have the option to book trips on-demand to and from various fixed point stops within the city limits. The virtual stops are located at key commercial centers, community spaces, existing transit and neighborhoods and within a 10-minute walk to and from most areas of Morgan Hill. The service will run Mondays through Saturdays between the hours of 7am-9pm. 

ā€œMoGo provides a more affordable, flexible option for our community to get around Morgan Hill,ā€ said Morgan Hill Public Services Director Chris Ghione. ā€œWe couldnā€™t be more excited to launch this new convenient service for the people who work and live in Morgan Hill.ā€ 

In April, the City of Morgan Hill approved a $1.5 million contract to private on-demand transit company RideCo Inc. to operate MoGo, says the press release. This two-year pilot project is designed to supplement existing public transit in Morgan Hill. In addition to offering a more flexible mobility option, MoGo was designed with safety in mind. Vehicles will be operated by employees of contractor CLS who are screened and receive specialized safety training. 

The MoGo Morgan Hill Quick Ride two-year pilot service is funded with 2016 Measure B State funds under the Transit Operations Program Area goal of supporting new and innovative transit service models that will address transit needs of the transit dependent, vulnerable populations and accessible needs users that is safe and reliable, according to the city’s press release. 

The City of Morgan Hill received the funding through a competitive countywide grant process. 

For more information about planned MoGo operations, visit MoGo Morgan Hill Quick Ride atĀ 

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Michael Moore is an award-winning journalist who has worked as a reporter and editor for the Morgan Hill Times, Hollister Free Lance and Gilroy Dispatch since 2008. During that time, he has covered crime, breaking news, local government, education, entertainment and more.


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