DEAR ABBY: I’m a 27-year-old professional who works long at a hospital. I decided to try an online service. My first time online I recognized a co-worker. I wrote him a message just to say hi. I never heard back from him.

Since I sent that message he has checked my profile several times. But when he sees me in the hallways, he just gives me half-smiles. I was waiting at the elevator with him the other day, but he was so embarrassed by the silence that I bailed and took the stairs.

He continues to smile, but I’m not sure what to say to him the next time I see him. I think it’s rude that he didn’t reply to my message, but I’m too embarrassed to say anything when I encounter him. Help! – ON MY SHIFT IN OHIO

DEAR ON YOUR SHIFT: Your co-worker may not be particularly adept socially, or he may be reluctant to become involved with someone where he works. Please don’t take his not responding to your email so personally. The next time you run into him, just say hello. If he has any manners at all, he’ll return your greeting.

DEAR ABBY: I work for a national tax preparation business, and I have some advice for customers to make the experience better and more efficient:

  1. Leave the kids at home. We have sensitive equipment and paperwork that is not there to keep your kids entertained.

  2. This is our busiest time of year. Lines can be long and clients are impatient, so please don’t hand us a bag of receipts to add up. Plan ahead and do the addition yourself.

  3. Before your appointment, ask what’s needed to make the process as efficient as possible.

  4. If you have business expenses and mileage, have that information organized.

  5. Be certain you have received ALL your tax-related paperwork (W-2s, 1099s, etc.) before coming in. Being in a hurry will result in your owing the IRS or the state because the income wasn’t completely reported.

  6. And, please don’t be angry if you have been waiting and your preparer needs to step away for a short time. It’s not unusual for us to work 10 to 12 hours a day. Like everyone else we occasionally need a break to take our eyes off the computer screen for a little bit.

We want to give you the best service possible and making it easier on us will accomplish this task. – JULIE IN UTAH

DEAR JULIE: Tax season is stressful for everyone involved, but particularly for tax preparation professionals. Being courteous, considerate and as organized as possible will relieve some of the strain not only for the person crunching the numbers, but also for the customer.

DEAR ABBY: My wife likes to sunbathe in the nude in our yard. Anyone walking by on the sidewalk, or riding by on a bike or in a car can easily see her over our 3-foot-tall picket fence.

She is a beautiful woman, but knowing strangers can see her in the buff makes me uncomfortable. She says I should get over it. Should I? – EMBARRASSED ON ELM STREET

DEAR EMBARRASSED: Your wife assumes that your neighbors and passersby are as open-minded as she is. Please remind her that if a mother should walk by with a child, she could be deeply offended, call the police and your sun-worshipping wife could be charged with indecent exposure. A tall hedge in the front of your side yard would screen her from public view. Please consider it.

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