music in the park, psychedelic furs

Tuesday 7.10

Lions Club

The Lions Club meets the second and fourth Tuesday of every month, 7pm, at Marie Callender’s, 18599 Sutter Blvd.

Details: 268-9619 or /mhlions

Fall Recreation Soccer

The Orchard Valley Youth Soccer League registration is open through July 15 for children 4-15 years of age. Registration forms may be picked up at Morgan Hill Bowl, 650 Tennant Station or Soccer and More, Monterey and Tenth streets in Gilroy. Online registration is also available at Web site below.

Details: 779-6696 or visit

Knitters Unite

All types of knitters, new and experienced, meet Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30pm, at Las Palmas Restaurant, 411 Vineyard Town Center Way.

Details: Dianne Meek, 427-1039 or Rachelle Musser, 776-0451

Wednesday 7.11

Rotary Club

The Rotary Club meets every Wednesday at noon at the Golden Oak Restaurant, 16695 Condit Road.

Details: Ken Hulick, 779-4880

Le Tip

Professionals exchange business leads in this business organization. Guests welcome, Wednesdays, 7-8:30am at Marie Callender’s, 18599 Sutter Blvd.

Details: 779-1676 or

Fibromyalgia Recovery Support Group

Fibromyalgia Recovery Support Group (Guaifenesin Protocol) meets 10:30am, the second Wednesday of each month (10am for new attendees) at Heritage Bank of Commerce, 18625 Sutter Blvd.

Details: Susie Smith, 779-2878 or tr*****@ch*****.net

See Inside MHAT

See how a television station works, submit ideas for programs or volunteer to help make videos, 7pm on the second Wednesday of each month, at 82 E. Second St.

Details: 782-8086

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