Question of the week: “Do you support the legal right to carry a concealed weapon in public?”
Karen Anderson:““Yes if you are a responsible person with a good reason to do so, like death threats. I would not be prepared to outlaw the right but also would not like to see the permit given to just anyone.”
Dave Appling: “No. There is a right to bear arms, but no rights – not even the three ‘unalienables’ – are unconditional. (We don’t let pedophiles pursue their idea of happiness.) The Constitution is not a suicide pact; society has the right and duty to protect itself. Requiring a license to carry is one such protection.”
Bert Berson: “No. Yes, but only if it is an assault rifle. Even high caliber hand guns can’t do enough damage to the average charging bull elephant. Oh wait, you mean on the street and in public buildings – that would be crazy.”
David Cohen: “No. The Wild West was more than 125 years ago. And there are too many guns in the wrong hands.”
Dennis Kennedy: “No! Hopefully, we have progressed as a society beyond the Wild West mentality.”
Julian Mancias: “No. The last thing we need is an increase in vigilantism.”
Jeff Nunes: “Yes. If the law required a permit to do so and if certain training and a criminal background check were required to get such a permit, then yes.”
Lisa Pampuch: “Forty-nine states already allow people to carry concealed weapons with a permit; I’m not a fan, but, like access to birth control and abortion, to name two other sometimes controversial issues, this is settled law. However, if this question refers to the recent trend of states allowing people to carry concealed weapons without permits, which is currently the practice in only four states, no, I do not. It is reasonable and prudent to require permits and training for anyone who wants to own a firearm, even more so for someone who wants to carry it in a concealed manner.”
Jeff Smith: “Yes.”
Steve Staloch: “No. The 2nd Amendment guarantees the rights to a ‘well armed militia’ but does not create a fundamental right to carry a concealed weapon in public. This is also the position of most national and local law enforcement agencies.”