Question of the week: “Should Israel take preemptive action in destroying Iran’s nuclear weapon making capabilities?”
Karen Anderson: “Not yet. Let Obama work on the diplomatic side. Any action by Israel will be perceived as sanctioned by the U.S. Israel is anxious to stop the program before the nukes are sheltered but Iran is a formidable enemy.”
Dave Appling: “No. And neither should we, nor should we allow any ally to drag us willy-nilly into preemptive war. In my view Ayatollah Khamene’i and his Guardian Council are evil but not stupid, and despite their hatred of Israel they’re not about to get Iran bombed back to the Stone Age.”
Bert Berson: “Yes. If they can handle the storm that comes after.”
Chris Bryant: “No, we don’t need to be drawn into another war in the mid-east. Economic sanctions appear to be enough and just need more time.”
David Cohen: “No. Not yet. There are still many diplomatic moves to be undertaken. Let’s not rattle the war sabres as we did in the run up to Iraq in 2003.”
Dennis Kennedy: “No! Such an attack would likely bring the U.S. into another war in the Middle East. All possible, peaceful actions of avoiding another war in the Middle East must be taken. At the same time, we must be willing to protect and defend Israel, our ally.”
Julian Mancias: “No. The risks are to high. I think United Nations consultation and approval would be the proper procedure.”
Henry Miller: “When there is conclusive proof that nuclear weapons are being developed (no more WMDs, please), and diplomatic attempts along with sanctions have failed, then yes. Iran has stated that their objective is to destroy Israel so they will have no choice but to defend themselves. Should European countries have taken preemptive action against Hitler’s Germany?”
Steve Staloch: “No. The economic sanctions against Iran are working but need to be strengthened, and while there is no guarantee a preemptive strike would be successful, there is a very high probability that such action would escalate into large scale Mideast war.”