Henry Miller

Is there nothing sacred in this world? So many things that we took for granted are now just fading memories. You know, like necker’s knobs on our steering wheels; 78 and 45 RPM phonograph records; even using clothes pins to fasten playing cards to the fork of our Schwinns so they protruded into the spokes and  made it sound like we were riding a motorcycle. All these are gone. And we’ve learned to live with those changes, I guess.

But now, I read where the brilliant folks at Hasbro have decided to “improve” their wonderful board game, Clue, by doing away with the iron token, of all things. And with what are they replacing it? A cat! Some nerve. Maybe they think the current generation doesn’t know what an iron is or what it is used for. Come to think of it, maybe they’re right.

Now everything is permanent press. Although, the way lots of clothes look, they sure don’t appear “permanently pressed”. But what do you think will be next? I suppose they’ll replace Colonel Mustard with General Chipotle. Or maybe the pistol will be replaced by an AK-47. The age of innocence is rapidly leaving us, friends.

On another topic – remember, our column is about nothing and everything so we can switch subjects whenever we feel the urge – The Morgan Hill Times did a very comprehensive article on our good friend, Dennis Kennedy, and his recent selection to represent South County as a director of the Santa Clara Valley Water District. Our sincere and well-deserved congratulations to Dennis. Good guy.

However, I notice that The Times, in sighting his credentials and impressive list of accomplishments, mentioned many of the organizations to which he now belongs, or has belonged. It is an impressive list, to be sure. But how could they have overlooked one of the most significant, The Morgan Hill Intellectual Society and Martini Appreciation Club? – Although Dennis is a member in waiting. Seems the Board of Trustees has not accepted his application for membership yet, but the Club’s Grand Poobah – that would be your humble servant – can assure you that membership should be granted soon. So, congratulations, Dennis and almost welcome to “The Club.” By the way, current membership is one.

Now, the big question of the day is: “How will we survive without getting regular mail delivery on Saturday?” Do you realize what this means? We will now have to wait until Monday to get the latest ads for the new mattress that “we just can’t sleep without.” And, the most recent message of how we can get our crooked or missing teeth replaced with implants in only one day and have a Hollywood smile again. All of this for no money down and convenient daily payments. I mean, how will we make it?

To the nice lady who stopped me the other day in Morgan Hill’s famous Dollar Store, thanks for the kind words. Always nice to know your appreciated. I suggested to the cashier that she give you a “Good Behavior” discount to acknowledge how well behaved the children with you were, but she said they don’t give “Good Behavior” discounts like some restaurants do. And besides, she said, “this stuff only costs a buck. What do you want?”

“Why were you in The Dollar Store?,” you ask. You didn’t? Well. you should have. I was there looking for a water pistol. You see, Lady M and I took home a new puppy the other day. And one thing most folks know is that a water pistol, or squirt gun, is an essential tool for training a puppy. The process is this: when the puppy starts chewing on something, like your favorite leather chair, you give her a squirt and she will stop. Well, Annabelle is a Golden Retriever and, like most retrievers, but unlike her predecessor, she loves water. So, when I give her a squirt, she smiles at me and chews even more vigorously. In one way, this makes Lady M happy because she was talking about redecorating anyway. Maybe that’s why she hid Annie’s favorite doggie treats deep within the cushions of my favorite “man chair.” I better check on that.

About her name: That was a tough one. My past dogs had names like Cleopatra and Winston, Daphne, Scarlet, Magnolia, and so on. Not any Spots, Fidos, or Mollys. The names considered for our new friend were Abigail, Condaleezza and Annabelle. Abigale for Abigail Adams, a remarkable woman; Condalessa just to irritate some friends; and the winner, Annabelle. Just because she looks like an Annabelle. And an Annie, too!


Henry “Hank” Miller is a retired rocket scientist, he has an interest in classic automobiles, good  conversation, martinis and community affairs. Reach him at ha******@gm***.com

music in the park, psychedelic furs
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