music in the park, psychedelic furs

Many people have told me that I need to be ready for anything as a candidate for public office.

Opposing campaigns will try to dig up stuff about you, if they can’t they’ll makes stuff up and at the very least get used to the idea that the “truth” will get a little stretched.
I really hope that campaigning in Morgan Hill will be about a candidate’s legitimate accomplishments and positions on the issues. I have to believe that all candidates are doing this for what they believe is the best for our community.
I hope that all avenues of information, whether it be local newspapers, social media, or friendly conversations will honestly portray us candidates in a fair and unbiased manner.
The dilemma for me is what to do when I see something that is patently unfair or wrong. 
Based upon my long record of work in the community and the fact that no matter what I will continue to work for the best of this community I have to be flat out honest or no one will work shoulder to shoulder with me or share the important insights into thoughts about the community in the future I am not seen as honest and reliable.
For that reason I will engage in the time honored tradition of taking the “high road” regardless of the situation (I hope). 
I may boil inside and spit blood but I hope you will never be witness to this, just know that I am human and have feelings but will do what I have always done – put it in perspective and move on.
If you like my perspective please follow me on my blog at my campaign website at:
I will continue to write as I have previously in my column of over 5 years right here.
Thanks, JK McKay – Tomorrow Starts Today!
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