My first newspaper column was written at the suggestion of the
Gilroy Dispatch editor several decades ago. I recall the thrill and
sense of responsibility I felt when looking at the news stand and
realizing that
“my” column was in that edition. Now, it has become “old hat,”
but that sense of responsibility remains as strong or stronger.
My first newspaper column was written at the suggestion of the Gilroy Dispatch editor several decades ago. I recall the thrill and sense of responsibility I felt when looking at the news stand and realizing that “my” column was in that edition. Now, it has become “old hat,” but that sense of responsibility remains as strong or stronger.
From time to time someone will introduce them selves with, “I always stop to read your columns.” My sense of obligation is to be a good steward of their most precious asset, “time.” Some add, “I never agree with anything you write!” The obligation remains.
It is to the latter group this column is directed.
Since my goal is always to have Biblical principle behind what I write, those who “never agree” are having trouble with my concepts of Biblical principle. There are only three groups of people: careless, convicted or converted.
I want to show concern for the “careless.” I want to challenge the “convicted.” I want to encourage the “converted.”
If you are truly honest with yourself (Life is not a TV game. It is “reality” living), then I believe you have a God-given assurance that you are “converted” – and – you have an understanding of God’s grace regarding what you were “converted” from. I encourage you to move in faith and do the next thing you know God wants you to do. If you are truly honest with yourself, there is no safer place in creation for you!
Many readers will fall into the “convicted” category. Those in this group are well aware of what they should do, but just can’t bring themselves to do it. A century ago, a preacher named Charles Finney made the point that there is only one single next choice such a person may make with innocence. Every other choice is “rebellion” against a loving, benevolent Creator who is concerned for each choice we make. My friend, Joy Dawson often made the point, “Delayed obedience is disobedience!”
In today’s society, after generations of drifting away from our roots, the largest group, by far, appear to me to be the “careless.” The careless have no concern for God, or for His wishes regarding their choices. They drift along through life, being swept this way and that by whatever is going on around them. Right and wrong are foggy abstract concepts they have a hard time defining. Selfishness is an anchor point. Pride is just another form of selfishness.
The One who lovingly holds your next breath in His hand is unselfish, which is another word for loving. St. John wrote, in the Bible, “For God so loved the world (you and me) that He gave his only Son (Jesus), that whosoever (you and me again!) believes in Him, should not perish (die), but have everlasting life (forever, after your body dies).”
Easter is what that is all about. When you made your first selfish choice (rebelled) against God, you became guilty and worthy of punishment. Every parent and child understands that. It is part of loving. Would you want an unjust parent? Punishment is due the guilty. Without punishment our jails would be torn down and our streets would be unsafe. The wrath of even a loving God is not pleasant to think about.
Only one man in all of human history has succeeded in living his life without a single selfish choice. As I study His story, I do not find one single example that he was not tempted as much, or more, than I have been tempted to choose selfishly. Yet he remained loving to the last, when he was dead on a cross and sealed in a borrowed tomb. He had no penalty of his own to pay; thus, he was qualified to volunteer to pay the penalty for all those “whosoever believeth in him.” Sound crazy? You bet it does – to those who have not discovered Christ’s grace and mercy.
Talk to someone in the “converted” group. They’ll tell you it is real and true. The loving God of the Bible, raised Christ, His Son, from that sealed tomb and He lives today. The “atonement” of Christ reconciled pure justice with loving mercy. No wonder calendars testify to His life having split time in two. No wonder we “crazy Christians” get excited and shout from the house tops that, “He is risen!”and “He is alive!”
Jesus is the reason for the season.