If you are homeschooling your child, or considering it, here are
just a few of the homeschooling resources available at the Morgan
Hill Public Library
If you are homeschooling your child, or considering it, here are just a few of the homeschooling resources available at the Morgan Hill Public Library:

In our Parent’s Corner Collection:

Griffith, Mary. The Homeschooling Handbook, 2nd Edition. Prima Publishing, 1999. J PARENT 371.042 GRIFFIT

From preschool to high school, a parent’s guide to: making the decision, discovering your child’s learning style, getting started, and creating an effective study program.

Hayes, Lenore Colacion. Homeschooling the Child with ADD (or Other Special Needs). Prima Publishing, 2002. J PARENT 371.042 HAYES

A complete guide to successfully homeschooling the child with learning differences.

Wade, Theodore E. et. al. The Home School Manual. Gazelle Publications, 1998. J PARENT 371.042 WADE

Plans, pointers, reasons, and resources. In our Adult Nonfiction Section:

Dobson, Linda. The Homeschooling Book of Answers. Prima Publishing, 1998. 371.042 HOMESCH

The 88 most important questions answered by homeschooling’s most respected voices.

Dorian, Terry and Zan Peters Tyler. Anyone Can Homeschool. Huntington House Publishers, 1996. 371.042 DORIAN

Explores the philosophical and religious underpinnings of this movement while discussing the practical needs of home educators.

Rupp, Rebecca. The Complete Home Learning Source Book. Three Rivers Press, 1998. 371.042 RUPP

The essential resource guide for homeschoolers, parents, and educators covering every subject from arithmetic to zoology.

If you need information on this subject, you can look under the call number 371.042 in any of our collections. Please ask one of our reference librarians if you need assistance.

For the very latest articles on homeschooling, go to our library web site at: http://www.santaclaracountylib.org/ Click on Databases and Research Tools. You can do a keyword search in any of the Newspapers & Magazines databases. Here are just a few of the full-text articles you will find in the Ebsco Academic Search Elite database:

Fetto, John. “Its All Homework.” American Demographics, November 2001, Vol. 23, Issue 11, p. 25.

Focuses on the number of homeschooled children in the United States based on surveys by the U.S. Department of Education, percentage of children who are homeschooled, percentage of homeschoolers who are living in two-parent households, and educational status of parents of homeschoolers.

Ray, Brian D. “Customization Through Homeschooling.” Educational Leadership, April 2002, Vol. 59, Issue 7, p. 50.

Addresses the issue of whether homeschooling parents customize the education of their children, compares the achievement of homeschooled and public school students, presents reasons for adapting homeschooling programs, and discusses the benefits of differentiating instruction in education.

Romanowski, Michael H. “Common Arguments about the Strengths and Limitations of Home Schooling.” Clearing House, Nov/Dec, 2001, Vol. 75, Issue 2, p. 79.

Reports on homeschooling in the U.S., reasons for choosing homeschooling, strengths and limitations of homeschooling.

As always, if you need assistance, or have recommendations for possible additions to our collection, please drop by our reference desk and let us know.

Questions and suggested topics for At the Library, which appears in Tuesday editions, should be directed to Nancy Howe, Acting Community Librarian, at nh***@sc****.us or by calling 779-3196.

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