EDITOR: Your readers recently expressed their mounting concerns
about the issue of perchlorate contamination in the groundwater
underlying much of South County. Clearly, the issue deserves a
great deal of research, investigation and an action plan to remedy,
or at least mitigate, this threat to our residents
’ water quality.
Your readers recently expressed their mounting concerns about the issue of perchlorate contamination in the groundwater underlying much of South County. Clearly, the issue deserves a great deal of research, investigation and an action plan to remedy, or at least mitigate, this threat to our residents’ water quality.
I would like to take the time to share with you and your readers my thoughts on this issue.
The Santa Clara Valley Water District, the agency charged with protection and provision of a safe, clean water supply for residents of Santa Clara County, has responded with vigor to this threat. When the contamination outside Olin’s old site was discovered, the Water District immediately undertook a comprehensive outreach campaign that included mailings, community meetings and the involvement of a variety of responsible agencies, including the county Health and Agriculture departments.
The Water District held a forum and assembled a panel of district, federal and state officials from agencies involved in protection and provision of safe and clean water. Your elected and appointed representatives on the Water District Board, Rosemary Kamei and Sig Sanchez, both participated in that forum.
At the invitation of the Water District, the county participated in the panel through the attendance of Agricultural Commissioner Greg Van Wassenhove and Health Officer Dr. Marty Fenstersheib. In this way, the county was able to respond to questions from concerned citizens about how perchlorate affects not just our families, but also our crops and animals.
While the issue of perchlorate contamination lies squarely in the Water District’s jurisdiction – and I want to reiterate that – I understand that it is of critical concern to my constituents. To that end, my staff and I have been and will continue to be in close contact with the Water District and all other involved agencies.
Finally, I would like to respond to a recent letter to the editor that suggested I somehow neglect South County.
That statement offended me, as it could not be further from the truth. During my first months in office, I opened an office in South County, at which my staff and I conduct one-on-one meetings with constituents, saving them the long drive to the San Jose office.
I also led the charge to increase patrols in South County, adding sheriff’s deputies to reduce response times. I also supported establishing and have since dedicated a new, state-of-the-art household hazardous waste facility in South County, leading to a decrease in illegal dumping of hazardous materials on private and public property.
Most importantly, I pushed hard to get the Highway 101 widening completed ASAP. As a direct result, the widening construction remains under budget and ahead of schedule, and 101 will be open by this April.
I have also responded to San Martin residents’ desire for more voice in land-use planning within their community by appointing one of their San Martin Planning Advisory Committee (SMPAC) members to the County Planning Commission. That meant two of the seven planning commissioners have served on the SMPAC – the only planning committee in the County – and represented their views at Planning Commission meetings. To this day, my staff attends and reports back on San Martin Planning Advisory Committee meetings, and a dedicated county planner provides administrative support to the committee.
Just last year, I attended more than 70 meetings with South County constituents. This does not include the calls I take and make from my car, my South County office, and even my home after hours. I have always stressed that I am available at any time, any day, via pager (408.681.4609), and judging by the number of pages I receive and calls I return each day, many of you take me up on that. Please continue to do so.
My commitment to my constituents in South County, and throughout my district of 330,000 residents, remains strong.
Donald F. Gage,
Supervisor, District 1