Dear Editor,

The proposed Viewshed Plan does not address all the aspects for viewshed protection. The folks that live and own the hill property affected by this plan are the ones who are presently experiencing a major degradation of their viewshed. They can’t see anything but rooftop to rooftop houses and ugly big monster flat- top buildings through all the smog generated by the valley dwellers and all those that drive there to work from other areas. The night view is even worse with all those ugly orange street lights that fade off into the smog and wipe out the view of the stars above. Just how many days in any given year do the propoments of this plan expect to see any sign of the hills even a mile away through all the smog they generate?

Seems like the environmental pressure groups in the valley flatlands are out to “Enronize” the investment values of the hill property owners who will be affected by this viewshed plan. What is really missing in this Viewshed Plan is a proposal to remove all the valley flatland houses and ugly buildings and return the orchards that were once there. That would be a tremendous upgrade for the valley environment but that would tend to “Enronize” the property values of the valley flatlanders.

Frank Busch, Morgan Hill

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