Cajun food coming soon to Morgan Hill

“Red Phone, when driving north on Monterey Road, admiring what a beautiful city we have here, I can’t help but notice the weeds growing throughout the landscape at the new Auto Zone at the corner of Monterey Road and W. Edmundson Avenue. Is it the responsibility of the city or Auto Zone to maintain the parking strip area? It looks pretty bad. Thank you.”

Red Phone: Dear Eyesore, Red Phone took a drive by the new Auto Zone, but didn’t see the weeds you are referring to. So, a call went out to Code Enforcement Officer John Amos who said yes, it is the responsibility of Auto Zone to maintain the landscape area.

“We had recently received a complaint and sent a notice requiring them to cut or remove the weeds,” Amos said. “Looks like they took care of it.”

Indeed, good caller, looks like they removed the weeds from the parking strip area.

File a complaint to get bushes cut

“Dear Red Phone, my neighbor has bushes that grow right up along the edge of the street and I can’t see if there is any on-coming traffic until I actually back out in the street, the speed limit on my street is 45 mph. I have talked to the neighbor several times and they promise to do something about it but don’t. I am worried for my safety and my family’s safety. My question is are there any codes being violated and if so who do I contact about this? By the way, I really enjoy your article. It’s the first thing I read when I get the paper.”

Red Phone: Dear Worried About Safety, Red Phone again contacted Code Enforcement Officer John Amos who said depending on the location and height of the bushes, a violation may exist, however he needs more details to answer this question accurately.

You can file a complaint on the city’s website and he will conduct a site visit to determine if a violation exists. The complaint form can be found at http://ca

Oh, and for the record, this question did not come from Red Phone’s mother or any other relative.

Thanks, good caller. Red Phone is pleased you enjoy the column. 


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