BIRTH: Blake Dean Haygood: Blake Dean Haygood was born Feb. 18, 2012 at Saint Louise Regional Hospital to Vanessa Camacho and Chad Haygood of Gilroy. He weighed 8 pounds.


Marisa Struzik

Marisa Struzik is a 4-year member of the California State University, Fullerton Dance Team and in January they won their 11th National Title (third consecutive). They competed against 24 other Division 1 schools and came away with the title of Universal Dance Association National Champion Division 1 Jazz. They will compete in Anaheim at the USA National Championship. The championship will air on ESPN2 April 8 at noon.

Marisa is a psychology major and is planning on becoming a marriage and family counselor. She is a 2008 graduate of Live Oak High School and the daughter of Ed and Marsha Struzik and the sister of Jason Struzik.

Eric Archer

Brownell Middle School seventh-grader Eric Archer has been getting A’s and B’s since third-grade and last semester he earned a 4.0 GPA. Archer was honored at the National Young Leaders State Conference, thanks to his P.E. teacher Laurie Avey.

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