Tuesday 2.20

Simplicity Circle

Group meets the third Tuesday of every month, 7-9pm, in the community room at the Morgan Hill Library, 17555 Peak Ave.

Details: 779-7271

SCC Mother of Twins

Group meets the third Tuesday of every month at the Southside Community Center, 5585 Cottle Road, room 3, San Jose. New mother’s meeting 6:30-7:30pm. General meeting begins at 7:30pm.

Details: 535-0391

San Martin Lions Club

Club meets the first and third Tuesday of the month, 7pm, at the San Martin Lions Hall, 12415 Murphy Ave., San Martin.

Details: 683-4448

Grief Share Group

Group meets the first and third Tuesday of the month, 7pm, room 101 at the South Valley Community Church, 8095 Kelton Drive, Gilroy.

Details: 848-2363

Quilting Group

The Pinnacle Quilters of San Benito County meet on the third Tuesday of each month, 6:30pm, at the VFW Hall, 58 Monterey St., San Juan Bautista. Guest fee is $5 per meeting or become a member for $25 per year.



Wednesday 2.21

Used-Book Sale

The Friends of the Library used-book sale is held the first Saturday of each month, 10am-5pm and every third Wednesday, 1-6pm. Many children’s books, science and engineering titles are available. Held in the Morgan Hill Library meeting room, 17575 Peak Ave.

Details: 779-3995

Thursday 2.22

South Valley Real Estate Investment Club

Club meets at 6:30pm at the Golden Oak Restaurant, 16695 Condit Road. Guest speaker is investment expert Adiel Gorel. All proceeds benefit local charities.

Details: 891-2983 or e-mail at


Sons in Retirement

Sons in Retirement meet on the fourth Thursday of every month. Luncheon at noon, doors open at 11am at the Elks Lodge, 2765 Hecker Pass Road, Gilroy.

Details: George, 842-4444

or Earle, 779-9053

Friday 2.23

Pet Photo Day

Make your appointment now for Peg Jackson’s 15th annual Pet Photo Day, 5-8pm; Feb. 24, 10am-5pm, and Feb. 25, noon-4pm at The Granary, 17500 Depot St., hosted by Weston-Miles Architects. The entire $50 sitting fee for a 5×7 photo will be donated to the Wildlife Education and Rehabilitation Center. Reservations required.

Details: Ava, 778-7539 or visit


Saturday 2.24

Winterbird Hike

Ranger Crockett, of Coyote Lake-Harvey Bear Ranch County Park, leads a hike in search of winterbirds, 9am-noon. Hike starts at the Lakeview Picnic parking area. Hiking shoes, warm clothing, sunscreen, hat, water and lunch are recommended. Program is free. There is a $5 per-car parking fee.

Details: Ranger Crockett,


Silicon Valley Puzzle Day

Crossword and Sudoku tournament to benefit the new Morgan Hill Library, 10am-4pm at Sobrato High School library, 401 Burnett Ave. Prizes awarded in a variety of categories. Also, free workshops, marketplace and other fun events. Sponsored by Friends of the Library.

Details: Carol, 782-9029 or visit www.svpuzzle.org

Bonfante Gardens Hiring

Bonfante Gardens Family Theme Park will be accepting applications and conducting on-site interviews for the 2007 season, 11am-4pm at Bonfante Gardens, 3050 Hecker Pass Hwy., Gilroy. Follow the signs to the Events Plaza.

Details: 840-7110 or visit www.bonfantegardens.org

Study Spanish in Spain

Study and travel through the Gavilan College summer program in Sevilla, Spain. Students earn up to five credits while living with a host family. Orientation meeting is held at 9:30am at the Gavilan College Humanities building, room 105, 5055 Santa Teresa Blvd., Gilroy.

Trip runs from June 3-30. Cost is approximately $1,500 plus airfare.

Details: Albert, 848-4794 or visit www.gavilan.edu/spanish

Tuesday 2.27

Live Oak Grad Night

Kick-off Meeting

Join in the tradition of keeping the students of our community safe and sober on graduation night. Kick-off meeting starts at 6:45pm at the Live Oak High School Library, 1505 E. Main Ave.

Details: 778-2508 or visit


Saturday 3.3

W.E.R.C. Bird Walk

The Wildlife Education and Rehabilitation Center is hosting a monthly series of bird walks, 9-11am, today and March 31. The hike, led by 20-year National Park Service docent Jane Haley, follows Coyote Creek, north of Morgan Hill. Due to terrain, walk is not recommended for younger children. Program is free, space is limited and reservations are required.

Details: W.E.R.C., 779-9372 or visit www.werc-ca.org

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