Debate over a Sobrato High School issue at their May 5 meeting
led School Board trustees to table it for future discussion. The
item on the agenda was a resolution to change the plans required by
the supplemental environmental impact report for the expansion of
Burnett Avenue, which links the campus with Monterey Road.
Debate over a Sobrato High School issue at their May 5 meeting led School Board trustees to table it for future discussion.

The item on the agenda was a resolution to change the plans required by the supplemental environmental impact report for the expansion of Burnett Avenue, which links the campus with Monterey Road.

The report requires the road be expanded to four traffic lanes with sidewalks and bicycle lanes on both sides. The resolution trustees were asked to adopt found that the proposed sidewalk on the south side of Burnett should stop at the west entrance of Madrone Mobile Estates.

“The major issue I see is one of safety,” said Trustee Shellé Thomas said. “We need to take more time to discuss with the city what this would mean. If we adopt this, we would not be living up to what the city demands as a proper infrastructure.”

According to Kirsten Powell, an attorney representing the School District in the eminent domain lawsuits, the traffic study conducted on Burnett Avenue in order to develop the plans for street improvements showed a crosswalk at the front of the new high school was not warranted. Also, according to Powell, the city raised concerns about the safety of a mid-block intersection.

Because of those issues, Powell said, and in order to discourage students crossing without a crosswalk, the district’s engineer is recommending the sidewalk stop at that location.

Trustee Mike Hickey asked Powell if the elimination of a portion of the sidewalk was intended to be a cost savings.

“This is not a cost savings,” she said. “It is purely to discourage students from crossing in front of the school.”

Other trustees had corresponding questions.

The resolution was tabled for discussion at a future board meeting.

During this Monday’s School Board meeting, trustees will take action on the elementary music program – district staff is recommending cutting back to one day of instruction per week, the proposed Los Paseos multi-purpose room and reducing positions and number of workdays by 31 classified workers, as well as other items.

The Morgan Hill Board of Education regularly meets on the second and fourth Mondays of the month at 7 p.m. Details: 201-6023.

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