Dear Editor, While consideration of Bush’s Supreme Court
nomination is important in its own right, we’re all capable of
multi-tasking: let’s follow through on Karl Rove’s role in leaking
CIA secrets in a revenge attack on the bearer of bad news to the
Bush administration.
Dear Editor,
While consideration of Bush’s Supreme Court nomination is important in its own right, we’re all capable of multi-tasking: let’s follow through on Karl Rove’s role in leaking CIA secrets in a revenge attack on the bearer of bad news to the Bush administration.
The larger issue is how we were misled into warfare that’s destabilizing the world. A critical piece of that larger issue is that Ambassador Wilson’s report and op-ed piece directly contradicted the administration line on Nigerian uranium. Rove evidently felt payback politics outweighed national security law. He and the rest of the administration need to be held to task – fire him!
Reid Fisher, San Martin