As Morgan Hill School Board trustees wrestle with questions
regarding the operating budget for the new Sobrato High, scheduled
to open for 9th and 10th grade students in August, questions about
athletics at the school continue.
As Morgan Hill School Board trustees wrestle with questions regarding the operating budget for the new Sobrato High, scheduled to open for 9th and 10th grade students in August, questions about athletics at the school continue.

During the board’s Feb. 23 meeting, district Director of Construction and Modernization Al Solis told trustees that 50 percent of the athletic fields and 30 percent of the landscaping could be completed by the opening of school in August.

Solis had told trustees during the Feb. 9 meeting, after a soil analysis of the fields, that Jensen Corp., the subcontractor, recommended putting sand down on the fields to make the soil more hospitable to the grass, at a cost of approximately $150,000 for the football field and approximately $300,000 for all the fields.

The cost he presented for the introduction of sand to all the fields at the Feb. 23 meeting was $495,000.

Maintenance of the fields is a concern, he said, with limited funds and limited staffing. Jensen is putting together a maintenance proposal for the district, in light of the district’s limitations.

Trustees have expressed concerns that the district cannot and should not maintain two expensive fields, since the football games at least will be played at Live Oak High’s Richter Field, at least initially.

Sobrato Principal Rich Knapp said he and Sobrato Athletic Director Dennis Martin have been working to line up games for Sobrato teams, because league schedules were completed earlier.

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