College-bound high school students can take the ACT college admission exam on Dec. 9, 2006, the next national test date. The deadline for postmark or online registration is Nov. 3. The late registration deadline is Nov. 16 (an additional $19 fee is required for late registration). Students can get registration materials from their high school counselor or they can register online on ACT’s student Web site

ACT scores are accepted by virtually all colleges and universities across the nation, including the Ivy League. The basic ACT exam includes four parts: English, reading, mathematics and science. An optional writing test is also available. Some colleges require or recommend a writing score, but many do not.

The basic exam takes three hours to complete, plus an additional 30 minutes for those who opt to take the writing test.

The basic registration fee for the ACT is $29. An additional $14 fee is required for students who choose take the ACT Writing Test, bringing the total registration fee to $43 for these students. Free sample tests are available from school counselors and on ACT’s Web site, which also offers additional free practice tests.

The ACT has long been popular in the Midwest, but its popularity is growing rapidly on the East and West Coasts as students in those areas become aware that it takes less time to take the ACT, the writing test is optional, and virtually all schools that require admissions tests accept ACT scores.

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