Dear Editor, The decision to substantially increase low-income
housing in Morgan Hill over the next five years happens soon. As it
stands, the housing task force intends to dramatically increase low
and very low-income housing in our town from the current 27 percent
to a whopping 43 percent of all new construction!
Please don’t reduce Morgan Hill to a suburb of slums
Dear Editor,
The decision to substantially increase low-income housing in Morgan Hill over the next five years happens soon. As it stands, the housing task force intends to dramatically increase low and very low-income housing in our town from the current 27 percent to a whopping 43 percent of all new construction!
While it is civilized to help the less fortunate of our town, it is egregious to expect the people of Morgan Hill to subsidize and house the poor from surrounding towns and cities. When reviewing the demographics of Morgan Hill, it is abundantly clear that the city will undoubtedly have to import scores of impoverished people to fill the over abundance of units designated as low income and Below Market Rate.
Why should the residents of Morgan Hill foot the tab for this massive increase in low income people? There is little need for such a substantial expansion of this resource-sapping income bracket into this community! The city faces tough economic times and budget shortfalls. This is neither the time nor the place to impose the Morgan Hill Housing Element Task Force’s social restructuring programs on the citizens of Morgan Hill.
To view the details of the Housing Element go to To voice your concerns, attend the Oct. 27 planning commission hearing at City Hall on Peak Avenue.
Stand up and preserve the quality of life we have come to enjoy in our town.
Glenn Ritter, Morgan Hill resident
Mad Republicans mean the country is headed in the right direction
Dear Editor,
President Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize and Republicans are angry. America lost its bid to get the 2016 Olympics and the Republicans were cheering. Since Republicans have been doing everything wrong and caused our current economic crisis and started the two wars we are currently stuck with, they are trying to redefine losing as winning and winning as losing.
It seems that the angrier the Republicans are, the more you know America is heading in the right direction. Congratulations Mr. President!
Marc Perkel, Gilroy