Editorial: Parkland purchase needed discussion
The council's decision to purchase 43 acres of land south of
Editorial: South County candidate to replace Maldonado needed
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's nomination of state Senator Abel
Mental illness doesn’t explain gun violence
The notion that mental illness drives the current spate of mass shootings is a dangerous oversimplification. Some shooters, such as the Aurora. Col., movie theater gunman James Holmes, yes, have had diagnosed mental illness, while others have not. To unfairly stereotype people with conditions...
Editorials: Gavilan College transfer rates need to improve
The fact that less than half the students who enrolled at
Come Out This Weekend and Have a Taste
In its 18th year, the Taste of Morgan Hill and its organizing
Editorial: It’s better to be safe than sorry; fix Anderson Dam
The truth is our infrastructure is literally falling apart all