65 F
Morgan Hill
March 9, 2025

The art of the real estate offer

Every buyer wants the home of their dreams for the lowest possible price. Every seller wants the most amount of money with the least amount of hassles or obligations. Often this difference of viewpoint and personal goals can collide during a buy-sell negotiation. It is the job of the Realtors to coach, guide and advise both sides so that nobody gets offended and everyone can come out a winner. It is often said that either everybody wins or nobody wins.

A shout out to our amazing wineries

Congratulations are in order for the local wine industry, as the results of the San Francisco Chronicle Wine Competition are in. This is the first wine-judging event of the year and with more than 6,400 entries, this is the largest judging of American wines in the world. This year 86 awards went to wineries in Santa Clara and San Benito counties. Our wineries won 35 bronze, 37 silver, 11 gold, two double gold and one Best of Class.

Mustard flowers bring fields of gold to the valley

Just when you think our South Valley can’t get any lovelier now that our golden hills have turned green, out of the cold and rain of winter (well, sort of—it’s been a strange year!) burst forth brilliant yellow flowers spreading like soft coverlets over our hills and vales.

Our Town: 2015 the year of art in Morgan Hill

Art is not only coming; it is already here.I’m sure most of you are now aware that in the next few months we will soon double, triple, or possibly quadruple the amount of public art we have in town. It’s hard for me to say since apparently there’s more public art in Morgan Hill than you might think because it’s not all obvious. Most of the new art will be much more obvious.All of the attention right now is on public art but we have a lot of the other kind too. What do you call that, private art?In many of the businesses in town, most notably restaurants, you will find local art that has been placed there for your enjoyment and purchase. Some of this art will grab your attention with bold colors or designs while others remind you that there is a quiet place in the library that could use that painting (we all have libraries, right?).The local art was placed in those businesses by the Valle Del Sur Art Guild that is based right here in Morgan Hill. The guild was formed over 4 decades ago and includes several dozen members. Now you can see their work thanks to over 14 partner businesses participating in their Art Around Town program. Their art can also be viewed periodically at the Community and Cultural Center (CCC).Art on the walls of the CCC is also coordinated by the El Toro Culture and Arts Committee. This group also helps with events to spark an interest in art in our youth and push to keep art in the forefront of our community.A new art gallery is opening up downtown. Morgan Hill Art Gallery on Second and Monterey is an example of one of the components long discussed as missing in our downtown business mix—an art gallery where diners and shoppers can spend some time browsing and shopping for art. This gallery also happens to be associated with the Valle Del Sur Art Guild and will feature locally created art.We are fortunate to also have many other local artists who are not associated with any guild or association in our community. Several of these artists will gain new or additional exposure in the community as they release their Downtown Placemaking Art Mini-grant winning work. Many of our artists are not just hobbyists and you will find some of them in art exhibits around the country. A second mortgage might be needed to purchase some of their work.We have an abundance of all forms of art in our community whether it be painted, sculpted, photographs, music or otherwise. Like so many other things happening in Morgan Hill there appear to be opportunities, or opportunities in the making, to let more of what is already here grow and shine.Again, for a community of our size we fight above our weight class in the arts. We just need to stop and pay more attention to it.I think that this is the year that art, like so many other things, will start to find its proper place in the community.Please enjoy what we have and support the arts.—John McKay is a longtime Morgan Hill resident, city planning commissioner and a member of the Morgan Hill Tourism Alliance.

‘The Story of My Life’ sparkles

‘The Story Of My Life” is about the relation-ships in life, what we miss, what we remember and what we could have done differently. Two actors carry this story with quality voices and good delivery.

Hike Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park

At Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park above Santa Cruz, a single ridge separates two very different habitats. Walking the trails on the park’s east side through bright slopes of mixed evergreen trees and chaparral, it seems so unlikely that just over the hill giant redwoods nearly 300 feet tall shade a forest floor dark, moist and green. The great thing about this park is that both settings are within easy reach of a day hiker.

Empty nest not always so empty

Last August we sent Junior off to college. It was horrible. I spent the entire day trying to be cheerful and happy, when all I really wanted to do was cry. Junior looked like all he wanted to do was get rid of his mother. I honestly think Harry could have stayed because the entire time he was helping Junior assemble the $3 million worth of useless dorm organization crap I bought*, he kept talking about how fun college life was and giving helpful advice on what co-eds to avoid and how keep track of your red Solo cup at a party.

Mom’s cake makes holiday special

Today is a very special day for my family because it would have been my mom's 70th birthday. There is no doubt we miss her, but we are able to connect with her through a few favorite recipes. This week, I pay a special tribute to my mom and share what is quite possibly her most widely beloved recipe and how it has evolved.

Observations from 2014

It's the morning after Christmas and like most mornings, I'm sipping coffee and reading the paper. What makes this morning different than the other 364 is that lingering fragments of gift wrap are still visible and a number of half-eaten candy canes remain. The dog is having a field day locating snacks the grandkids left behind.

Witnesses bring God to your doorstep

I'm sure most of us are familiar with them: men, women, even children, neatly dressed, often carrying a briefcase or satchel full of literature. They ring doorbells and politely offer to share the Word of God with the residents who answer.

