46.9 F
Morgan Hill
January 11, 2025

Leonardo would be fascinated by 21st century

Leonardo da Vinci would feel right at home here in the South

During lean times, library usage rises

Libraries are popular places during recessions. Anyone who's

Resolutions for a better Morgan Hill

With the turning of the calendar, many of us will find ourselves

It’s only fair to bring Chippendales here too

You know how some mornings you sit down with your newspaper and

It’s time to bite the bulgur

If the members of your family are anything like mine, by now you

Church provides path back to society

When young adults get in trouble with the law, it is often a

Time to heed the valuable lessons 2008 taught us

Last year, on the same day that Californians narrowly approved

Downtown’s speed bumps are on steroids

Some of the newbies around here might not be aware of some of the more arcane facets of local history, but long ago when Monterey Road was part of 101, thus forcing everyone driving between the metropolitan North and the metropolitan South to experience our downtown unless they happened to blink at the critical instant, Morgan Hill was notorious throughout the state as a diabolical speed trap. This was a great boon for city revenues, although for many years the mere mention of the words "Morgan Hill" tended to cause thousands of Californians to entertain wistful thoughts of inflicting their personal and no doubt highly colorful versions of the Ten Plagues of Egypt upon our fair community.

Scarcity helps us appreciate that which we take for granted

"One good husband is worth two good wives, for the scarcer things are, the more they are valued."

