More Than Half of Henry Coe Park Open After Fire

Morgan Hill – The state Parks and Recreation Department is asking visitors to Henry W. Coe State Park to stay out of the areas closed due to the Lick fire and to continue to enjoy the rest of the park.

The fire burned nearly 50,000 acres in the east and northeast portions of the park, but the recreational oasis spans more than 87,000 acres, according to state officials, including an oak savanna, grassland, chaparral, riparian woodland and a stand of ponderosa pine.

Details: Visit the Henry Coe park headquarters or visit the state park Web site at

Agencies to Discuss Area Conservation Issues

Morgan Hill – The Santa Clara Valley Habitat Conservation Plan project is hosting an environmental impact report/study scoping meeting, 6:30-9pm, Sept. 26 at the Morgan Hill Community and Cultural Center, El Toro Room, 17000 Monterey Road, in Morgan Hill.

Attendees can comment on several habitat conservation planning issues including biological goals and objectives of the Habitat Conservation Plan/Natural Community Conservation Plan and conservation strategies, which cover a range of future land acquisition options including amounts of land to be acquired and the highest priority acquisition areas.

The project is a regional partnership between Santa Clara County, Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority, Santa Clara Valley Water District, cities of Morgan Hill, Gilroy and San Jose and the wildlife agencies of California Department of Fish and Game, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Marine Fisheries Service.

Details:,, or Ken Schreiber, program manager,

(408) 299-5789.

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