Morgan Hill Utilities and Environmental Committee

Monday, Nov. 27, 5:45pm

City Hall

Council Chambers

17555 Peak Ave., Morgan Hill

No Butts: Committee will discuss policies related to smoking in public places, perchlorate in groundwater, alternative energy generation and efficiency and Wireless Silicon Valley, an effort to bring broadband Internet access to residents and businesses throughout Silicon Valley.

Morgan Hill Mobile Home Rent Commission

Monday, Nov. 27, 7pm

City Hall

Council Chambers

17555 Peak Ave.

New Vice Chair: After swearing in Swanee Edwards as vice chairperson, the commission will open the meeting to public comment from residents of Morgan Hill’s six mobile home parks.

Santa Clara Valley Water District Board of Directors

Tuesday, Nov. 28, 9:30am

Santa Clara Valley Water District Office

5700 Almaden Expressway, San Jose

Desalination Plant: The board is considering an agreement with Bay Area water districts to build a $1.9 million desalination plant as an emergency water supply. Costs for the two-year pilot project would be paid for with grants.

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