Morgan Hill City Council member Yvonne Martinez Beltran, holding the resolution honoring her as the 15th Senate District’s Woman of the Year, is pictured March 10 with Sen. Dave Cortese and other officials in the senate chamber in Sacramento. Photo: Contributed
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Morgan Hill City Council member Yvonne Martinez Beltran was named Woman of the Year for the California Senate’s 15th District, according to State Sen. Dave Cortese’s office. 

Martinez Beltran was recognized for the honor on the floor of the state Senate March 10, during the annual Woman of the Year ceremony. Cortese, who represents Senate District 15, introduced Martinez Beltran before she received a resolution listing her accomplishments in Morgan Hill and beyond. 

Cortese and other officials noted the significance of the ceremony during March, which is designated as Women’s History Month. 

“It was such an honor introducing Morgan Hill Councilwoman Yvonne Martinez Beltrán on the Senate floor,” Cortese said. “She was chosen because she is immersed in public service and policy. Equity is always her top priority. 

“She is also a dedicated advocate for her Morgan Hill Community where she was raised. She was also appointed as the Cal Cities representative—an organization that advocates for cities in California.”

Martinez Beltran brought her proud family to the ceremony and toured Sacramento before going to the Capitol for her award, according to an announcement from Cortese’s office. In a Facebook Live video she talked about how much the award means to her and thanked the residents of Morgan Hill for supporting her. 

“It’s a big day for me today. So many of you allow me to do the work that I do and I absolutely love it and it’s such a privilege to represent you,” Martinez Beltran said.

Women’s History Month was established by Congress in the 1980s to acknowledge that the significant contributions women have made to every field of American life were largely undocumented and unknown. 

The purpose of the month was to recognize and highlight women’s unsung specific achievements in science, technology, arts, business and more, according to Cortese’s office. 

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