music in the park, psychedelic furs

I think it is shameful and unfair to all the students, parents and the entire Morgan Hill Unified School District that they have not “fixed” their pool that they claim has a “chemical issue.” That being said, why did they not fix this during the summer months and/or since this issue surfaced?

It is shameful that these boys and girls have chosen to represent their school and given up their time and perhaps other sports to participate in Water Polo, YET they cannot invite other teams to their own school for meets. There have also been occasions where the girls team (practice at 6am) have arrived to practice and told “sorry, no practice this morning due to a chemical issue.”  

Additionally, some of the schools who hold the meets are a great distance to travel to.

This situation needs to be brought to the forefront to tell all affected students; and Morgan Hill school board members should step in and ask why they have been allowed to not make this issue a TOP priority. What if it were the football field, baseball field and/or basketball flooring?

Carolyn Hopkins

Morgan Hill

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