As I write these thoughts Independence Day is just days away.
Morgan Hill has a tradition of doing the
“4th of July” up right! Hats off to IDI and all the volunteers
that make this a special time in what used to be “Small Town
As I write these thoughts Independence Day is just days away. Morgan Hill has a tradition of doing the “4th of July” up right! Hats off to IDI and all the volunteers that make this a special time in what used to be “Small Town USA.”
And on another topic, I want to share with you three paragraphs I think are particularly important. State Sen. Tom McClintock wrote them some time ago. The truth they express is timeless. He was pointing out that “two parties exist in human nature.”
“One is the party of big, coercive, authoritarian government.” (United to do wrong) “It identifies with the elite; the self-appointed few who believ the rest of us must be molded and manipulated for our own good; that individual freedom – their own excepted, of course – should be surrendered for the common good; that we should be judged as groups” (diversity) “rather than as individuals; that our rights come not from the ‘laws of nature and of nature’s God;’ but from government.
“They believe it takes a village to raise a child. Their natural allies are the constituencies that Jefferson identified 200 years ago; those who trade off, or exist off, of government capital or favors, those whose nature is dependency, and those who believe they have a right to lord power over their fellow human beings. It is a natural minority, but its concentration and self-interest makes it much stronger politically than its numbers warrant.
“The other natural party believes in the common right of humanity. Those of us who want to be left alone to enjoy the fruit of our own labor, to enter into voluntary agreements for our own mutual betterment; to raise our children according to our own values and principles; to lead our lives according to our own best lights. It believes it takes a family to raise a child – and it takes families to make a village.” (Unity with diversity – Out of many – one)
I believe the vast majority of American voters agree with those thoughts. Further, I believe that vast majority falls into the second “natural party of human nature” described above. It is their spirit and their resourcefulness that make America great. The members of the former group merely feed from a trough filled by what they can take from the latter.
To those who claim they have no choice but to be “dependent,” I say – Get over it! Every human being has something to contribute to our society. – Get on with it! God doesn’t make junk!
When you think of yourself as a helpless victim, you are lying to yourself! How many thousands of examples of “rags to riches” has the American culture produced! How many “helpless newcomers to our shores” have prospered in spite of their handicaps?
Why then, do we hear so little about “The American Dream.” Why do we fall into the trap of focusing on the problem rather than the solution? Why – If the vast majority fall into the second natural party are the elitists in such authority over us? I believe the answer rests in two areas, ignorance and apathy. “I don’t know.” and “I don’t care.”
The ignorant are willfully so! No one has to be ignorant. We don’t know because we choose not to know! The apathetic are also willfully so. We are so used to being pampered that it seems natural to “let someone else do it.” We don’t need to be concerned.
Mind you – I am speaking of a major portion of that vast majority falling into the second natural party – the good guys! OK then, let us focus upon the solution and not on the problem.We’ll not find the solution in the former, elitist party. Human nature does not change. That group will always be around trying to gain authority.
The solution rests in our own natural party. How do we deal with ignorance and apathy? The answer seems obvious, “education and activism.” Note the order, education then activism. Ignorant activism is destructive. On the other hand, education without action (using it for something) is of little value.
“Education” is a combination of knowledge and wisdom. Knowledge without wisdom is a monster that will turn on you. Wisdom without knowledge is an oxymoron. The fear (reverence) for the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. That (reverence for the Lord) is truly the first step in education! It leads to knowledge and understanding of sound principles and wisdom in applying them to our actions.
This then, is the solution to our dilemma (how to replace the elitists with an authority that preserves and protects our God-given liberties). Reverence for God produces wisdom. Wisdom is the foundation for knowledge and understanding (education in sound principles). Such education is the foundation for wise choices in our actions. Education and activism are the antidotes for ignorance and apathy.
We are not helpless. We are very much in control – if we choose corporately to be. It will not require a large number of educated activists to lead the vast majority of liberty-loving Americans in reclaiming authority next November.
That is the significance of programs like the ACH seminar (July 21-24 in Morgan Hill) designed to teach those sound principles needed. They equip you to help yourself and others in making political choices. Call me.
Ben Gilmore is a Morgan Hill businessman. The Board of Contributors is comprised of local writers whose views appear on Tuesdays and Friday.