Hot weather

A heat advisory is in effect for all of Santa Clara Valley beginning at 11 a.m. Sunday and running through 9 p.m. with temperatures expected to reach triple digits, according to the National Weather Service.
NWS forecast a high of up to 103 degrees in the Santa Clara Valley on Sunday, up from a high in the 90s on Saturday.
NWS recommends residents and visitors drink plenty of fluids, stay out of the sun and check in on neighbors and relatives.
The Santa Clara County Libraries, including the Morgan Hill Library at 660 W. Main Ave., are available as cooling centers during regular hours of operation.
Potential heat impacts include:
• Moderate to very high risk for heat related illness to entire population;
• Hot temperatures can lead to heat stress or exhaustion. This is especially true for elderly and at-risk populations as well as those engaging in outdoor activities;
• Heat in vehicles poses extreme dangers. Never leave pets or people in a parked vehicle for any reason, for any length of time. Beat the heat, check the back seat and look before you lock;
• Increased fire weather concerns are also likely because of hot and dry conditions.

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