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Justice, reason and respect demand that we respond to the horrific events that happened in Orlando, Fla. during the early morning hours of June 12, 2016.

Nearly 50 people have been killed and even more injured in a senseless mass shooting. The target of these vicious attacks are our sisters and brothers within the LGBTQ community—a community which is often threatened, condemned and marginalized.

Our hearts go out to the people of Orlando who identify themselves as being a welcoming community to the world.

The Interfaith Clergy of Morgan Hill and Gilroy stand in solidarity with those who suffer and with the families of those who lost loved ones within the LGBTQ community; and we call on all people of faith to work alongside those of us within the Interfaith Clergy of Morgan Hill and Gilroy to do all in our power to continue fostering understanding, acceptance, healing and respect.

We urge all people of faith to reexamine their understanding and attitude toward LGBTQ people, insuring that their teachings and practices do not endanger the lives of real people.

The time has come once again to end the prejudice, fear and hateful rhetoric that often occur when speaking about people within the LGBTQ community.

We call upon political leaders and governmental officials not to reduce this tragedy to political opportunism, but to take real action toward the abatement of weapons that threaten the health, safety and well-being of all people.   

We caution everyone about labeling religious people, especially our Muslim sisters and brothers, immigrants and other minorities with names and slogans that enable unscrupulous people to react with hatred, scorn, fear and violence.

For now we mourn and pray alongside those who were injured, for those still missing, and for all those grieving the loss of their loved ones, that this violence ends.

Together we must work for what is right and just that peace may prevail on earth.

Signed by Clergy representing the Interfaith Clergy Association of South Valley:

Imam IIyas Anwar, South Valley Islamic Community, San Martin

Fr. Tom Bonacci, Executive Director, Interfaith Peace Project, Antioch

The Rev. Dawn E. Boyd, Pastor, The United Methodist Church of Gilroy, CA

The Rev. Philip R. Cooke, Rector, St. John the Divine Episcopal Church, Morgan Hill

The Rev. Patrick E. Davis, Pastor, Morgan Hill United Methodist Church, Morgan Hill

Rabbi Debbie Israel, Congregation Emeth, Morgan Hill

The Rev. BJ King, Associate Minister, Gavilan Hills Unity Church, Gilroy

The Rev. Ron Koch, Pastor, Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Gilroy

Jim Rawlings, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Del Rey Park Ward, Gilroy

Rev. Jose Antonio Rubio, St. Mary Catholic Church, Gilroy

The Rev. Bill Wilson, Senior Minister, Gavilan Hills Unity Church, Gilroy

The Rev. Lee Tyler, Advent Lutheran Church, Morgan Hill

The Rev. Karen Perkins, Advent Lutheran Church, Morgan Hill

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