Morgan Hill Police Emergency Services is offering two different kinds of training to deal with emergencies, personal preparedness classes and Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training.

The personal preparedness classes, held at the Emergency Operations Center at the Morgan Hill Police Department, 16200 Vineyard Blvd., will be held Sept. 16, 9am-noon, Oct. 25, 6-9pm and Dec. 2, 9am-noon. Each class will cover: recommended food and equipment, including first-aid supplies and how to store them; developing plans for communication, sheltering in place and evacuation; and appropriate responses to disaster threats, including how to turn off gas, water and electricity.

CERT training is more intense, with five classes and a simulation exercise to finish the training. Classes will be held on Tuesdays, Sept. 12, 19, 26, Oct. 3 and 10. The simulation and graduation will be held on Oct. 14 from 9am-1pm.

MHPD’s Emergency Services Coordinator Ken Foot, along with medical and emergency personnel and experienced CERT volunteers, will conduct the training. Classes are open to anyone 12 years old or older. For more information or to sign up, contact Ken Foot, 776-7310.

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