Dear Editor,
The objective of Santa Clara Valley Water District board of directors is to achieve a fiscally sound management, select the optimal alternative to any project and supply clean water at a reasonable rate.
The water district has built a bloated bureaucracy, supported by high parcel taxes and water rates. Rather than eliminating wastes and duplications, the board is currently considering further increases to four different 2006-07 charges and taxes. These include groundwater charges, surface water charges, increased rates for treated water, and special taxes for clean creeks. The board has forgotten the public interest and has become subservient to an extravagant management. The implementation of these tax increases has been postponed until after the election only for political reasons. How could current board members be so oblivious to the interests of their constituents? I request the voters to replace the current directors who are running for re-election in the November runoff.
Ram Singh, San Jose
Santa Clara Valley Water District 1 candidate