Police conduct distracted driving crackdown today and tomorrow

In keeping in line with surrounding communities, the Morgan Hill
Police Department increased parking fines from $25 to $40.
Handicapped parking violations will increase from $110 to $285. The
old fines were set in 1993.
Parking fees upped

In keeping in line with surrounding communities, the Morgan Hill Police Department increased parking fines from $25 to $40. Handicapped parking violations will increase from $110 to $285. The old fines were set in 1993.

In Gilroy, basic parking violations are $30 and handicapped are $250.

Also, late fee penalties will be set at $25 and returned check fees will be $10. These changes will be effective Feb. 28.

Officers issued about 121 traffic citations last year.

Discrimination claims settled

The three federal discrimination claims against Morgan Hill Unified School District were settled late last year.

The first, filed in May, was settled in November. After an investigation, the district found that one school had failed to identify students for evaluation and therefore did not follow proper procedures for evaluation and placement. The office received a resolution agreement from the district to correct these procedures. The district is also revising its policies and procedures, and re-evaluated students to ensure that they were properly identified.

The second complaint, filed in July, alleged that the district failed to provide a “free appropriate public education by failing to implement the student’s individualized education program,” was closed in October because the issues were resolved.

The Office of Civil Rights closed the third complaint Jan. 16 after an investigation found insufficient evidence. It alleged the same as the second complaint.

Directional sign contract OK’d

Ellis & Ellis Sign Systems was awarded a contract for the manufacture and installation of citywide directional signs for $159,370.

The company will make and install 65 directional signs throughout the city, including downtown directory kiosks, entry signs and downtown median signs.

The project will begin in March and should be completed in May.

Ellis & Ellis’s bid was 53 percent lower than the engineer’s estimate of $340,000.

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