Wednesday was the 30th anniversary of Roe vs. Wade. During Bill
’s administration, he said he wanted to make abortion “safe,
legal, and rare.”
Wednesday was the 30th anniversary of Roe vs. Wade. During Bill Clinton’s administration, he said he wanted to make abortion “safe, legal, and rare.”
Two out of those three qualifiers have not been met. Abortion is not only “unhealthy” for the baby, it is not so great for the woman either. One woman who had chosen to have an abortion later described herself as being “temporarily disconnected from her heart.” When people really understand what abortion does to women, only then will it become rare.
Although the abortion industry, heavily promoted by Planned Parenthood, claims that there is no emotional or physical harm from abortion, the people who work and volunteer at Pregnancy Care Centers know the fallout and offer an alternative to destroying a growing life.
Both Morgan Hill and Gilroy have facilities that give counsel to those who discover that there is a better way for them to deal with an unwanted pregnancy than to end the life of their own baby. Thousands of couples who cannot have children would love to provide a home by adoption. We have many friends that have adopted children or who are themselves adopted and are grateful that their mothers chose life.
Wirh the advent of new technology to view babies in the womb and the efforts to educated women and girls, fewer young women are choosing abortion. A group called Feminists for Life educates college women about the consequences of abortion and asks the question, “Is this the best we can do for women?” The answer is an obvious “no.”
It is interesting to note that Mildred Jefferson, the first African-American woman to graduate from Harvard Medical School later became the first president of the National Right to Life Committee.
Even if Roe vs. Wade is never overturned, maybe someday there will be no one who chooses abortion.
Marilyn Markham,
Morgan Hill