EDITOR: Next November there will be three seats open for those
interested in Morgan Hill School District leadership. This is a
most frustrating and challenging time for leaders, whether they are
trustees, council members or state representatives. Citizens are
not happy, funding is dwindling and answers are in short supply,
and yet great challenges are before us.
Next November there will be three seats open for those interested in Morgan Hill School District leadership.
This is a most frustrating and challenging time for leaders, whether they are trustees, council members or state representatives. Citizens are not happy, funding is dwindling and answers are in short supply, and yet great challenges are before us.
Either we can spend our time, money and energy working against each other or we can respect each other and pull together working toward a common goal.
All school board members, including, “the senior four” of whom I am one are doing their best to keep the communication lines open. Our unions continue to work with us, we have had many forums and asked community members to sit on task forces, board members have attended numerous community meetings, as mandated by law our books are annually audited and we operate under the guidelines of the California Education Code.
Board members will continue to keep the lines of communication open. Our email addresses are listed on our MHUSD website. Please keep asking the tough questions and join us in meeting these challenges.
Jan Masuda, trustee,
Morgan Hill School Board