The CVS pharmacy on East Dunne Avenue is on schedule to open at its new location near the intersection of Joleen Way Aug. 12, according to a company spokesman.

The store is moving from its current spot in the Safeway shopping center just one block east of the new site which is currently under construction.

CVS is moving in at the stand-alone location in order to accommodate a drive-thru pharmacy which will compete better with other nearby pharmacies, according to CVS spokesman Mike DeAngelis.

The new store will be about 14,000 square feet, which is smaller than the current pharmacy and convenience store by about 5,000 square feet, DeAngelis said. The smaller size will not affect the current store’s merchandise or service capacity.

“We can more efficiently use our space in a free-standing store,” DeAngelis said.

CVS owns the space occupied by the existing store at 850 East Dunne Ave., next door to the Safeway grocery store.

That property will be transferred to CVS’ “surplus properties” account. The sublease or sale of the space will be handled by a real estate broker that CVS will commission.

The company also plans to discuss the use of the current CVS site with the city at the City Council’s July 25 meeting, according to city manager Ed Tewes.

Construction at the new location includes roadwork at the intersection of East Dunne Avenue and Joleen Way in order to accommodate the traffic flow in and out of the new store.

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Michael Moore is an award-winning journalist who has worked as a reporter and editor for the Morgan Hill Times, Hollister Free Lance and Gilroy Dispatch since 2008. During that time, he has covered crime, breaking news, local government, education, entertainment and more.


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