A $524.4 million budget was adopted by the Santa Clara Valley Water District Board of Directors May 10 for the coming fiscal year.
The budget includes capital expenditures of $240.7 million and operations expenses of $283.7 million, according to a press release from SCVWD. The total budget is $46.4 million larger than last year’s, due mostly to funds carried forward from capital projects and other increases in the capital budget, according to water officials. Many capital projects are successfully entering the construction phase.
The budget funds key projects that include water treatment plant reliability improvements, flood protection projects, dam safety and maintenance, seismic retrofitting, and emergency flood preparation and response, according to district staff.
The board’s adoption of the budget followed the approval of the FY 2017-21 Capital Improvement Program and the FY 2017 groundwater production charges. The 5-year CIP describes capital investment priorities and intended funding, and includes water supply, flood protection, stream stewardship and information technology projects.
The 2016-17 fiscal year goes from July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017.
More on the water district’s budget can be found at valleywater.org/About/Finance.aspx.