Dear Editor, Morgan Hill Times reporter Michael Moore’s July 20
article on Project Cornerstone and the program’s 41 development
assets did an excellent job describing how important it is for
parents and the community to provide values to children and thus
create a quality life for young people. These assets, however, are
useless unless they’re put into practice.
Free workshop will teach parents how to empower children
Dear Editor,
Morgan Hill Times reporter Michael Moore’s July 20 article on Project Cornerstone and the program’s 41 development assets did an excellent job describing how important it is for parents and the community to provide values to children and thus create a quality life for young people. These assets, however, are useless unless they’re put into practice.
The Morgan Hill City Council and the Morgan Hill Unified School District adopted a joint resolution supporting the assets. The two groups also promised to promote them in the community, especially with faith-based and nonprofit organizations involved with children. As Councilman Larry Carr said in Moore’s article, “Success would be the community taking it on.”
Indeed, the community is now taking it on. A special workshop explaining the 41 developmental assets and how they can be put to practical use by parents and the community will be held AT 6:30 P.M. Aug. 11, at the Morgan Hill Library. (Doors open at 6 p.m.) The free “What Young People Need to Succeed” event is hosted by the City of Morgan Hill, the Morgan Hill Unified School District, the Santa Clara County Library, Morgan Hill’s Discovery Learning Center, and Morgan Hill Access Television.
The workshop will focus on a presentation that education expert Clay Roberts recently gave at Live Oak High School and which was videotaped by a MHAT-19 volunteer. Next Thursday’s workshop will help parents empower their children to be more effective in school and develop a love to learn. It will also help the South Valley community improve the quality of life for the young people who live here by being more supportive of their needs and developing their personal values.
As the new school year is set to begin, please consider attending this workshop. You’ll learn how to enhance the lives of your children and the young people who live in the South Valley. For more information, please call (408) 201-6001.
Marty Cheek, Morgan Hill
Republicans can now sit back and rejoice while the rest suffer
Dear Editor,
Republicans have every reason to rejoice with Mitch McConnell. They have protected 1 percent of Americans. They have fought tooth and nail to prevent Government from asking the 1 percent to give $1 more to help pay down the national debt. American voters no doubt rejoice with the Republicans, as they gave them control of the House of Representatives.
The 1 percent controls more of our nations wealth than 90 percent of Americans. If American voters will help them, by giving them control of the Senate and the White House, Republicans will fix this injustice.
One percent of Americans will control more of our nation’s wealth than 99 percent of Americans. It will be interesting to see what American voters do.
Frank Crosby, Morgan Hill
It’s time to be smart and make reality our friend
Dear Editor,
America has come to a place where we have dug ourselves into a deep hole and it is going to take some hard work to get us from where we are to where we ought to be. In order to do that we are going to have to make reality our friend.
I personally believe that we can not only get through this, but we could come out stronger in the end. But to do it we as a nation are going to have to collectively give up being stupid and embrace being smart.
I look around at what is going on in this country and I think that we can all agree that this is simply not acceptable.
We are going to have to decide that we as a nation can do better than this. We are the world that we make for ourselves and we need to do a better job than this.
We as a nation are going to have to positively embrace clear thinking and intelligence. We are going to have to come up with a plan, a course of action, derived as a solution based in reality. We need to make reality our friend rather than our enemy.
Marc Perkel, Gilroy